Category: books
Book Club 2025: L’été 80 by Marguerite Duras
(March 28, 2025)I apparently picked this up at a sale in 2021. I quite enjoy Duras’ books, but I’ve only read a handful. I think I’ve seen most of her hit movies, though. This book is quite short, and you have to admire the lengths they’ve gone to to make this into something that can be sold … Continue reading Book Club 2025: L’été 80 by Marguerite Duras
Book Club 2025: The Luck of the Bodkins by P. G. Wodehouse
(March 27, 2025)I was feeling both under the weather and down in the dumps, so I reached for a Wodehouse book. And this one, from 1935, is top notch. This ticks along like extremely complicated clockwork in an almost hypnotic manner. There’s three (3) romances that have to come true, and there’s also a pearl necklace to … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Luck of the Bodkins by P. G. Wodehouse
Book Club 2025: The Bad Samaritan by Robert Barnard
(March 25, 2025)Today was a perfect day for an old mystery novel. And as usual with Barnard, half of the book is about stuff that happens before The Crime, and then we get half a book of sleuthing. The problem with this kind of structure is that you have to have sufficiently interesting characters to pull it … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Bad Samaritan by Robert Barnard
Book Club 2025: Fakkelen er tent! by Tor Eystein Øverås
(March 23, 2025)I frequently read several books in parallel — usually different types of books. Like, a musician autobiography, a short story collection and a novel — or in this case, I’ve been reading a book about the history of the “quality paperback” market in Norway. And it took me two and a half years to get … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Fakkelen er tent! by Tor Eystein Øverås
Book Club 2025: Deeds of Honor by Elizabeth Moon
(March 22, 2025)This is a slightly odd grab-bag of stuff. It’s got three proper short stories, one thirty page deleted sequence from one of the books, several things that I can only describe as “scenes”, and some “myth” recounts. None of these pieces would make much sense to somebody who hasn’t already read all the Paksenarrion books. … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Deeds of Honor by Elizabeth Moon
Book Club 2025: Numero Zero by Umberto Eco
(March 22, 2025)I got If on a winter’s night a traveler by Italo Calvino as an Xmas present when I was seventeen, and I loved it to bits. Absolutely amazing book. But why am I talking about Calvino? Because I think I’m suffering from some obscure disease probably called something like calvinoecotrepidatioensis, wherein every time my eyes … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Numero Zero by Umberto Eco
Book Club 2025: London 2084 by Bing & Bringsværd
(March 21, 2025)I guess this author duo has a special place in the hearts of all Norwegian nerds of a certain age. Not only did they champion science fiction in Norway in the 70s, but they edited a number of anthologies, got a bunch of classics translated, wrote sci-fi TV series… and also wrote a bunch of … Continue reading Book Club 2025: London 2084 by Bing & Bringsværd
Book Club 2025: De romantiske hundene by Roberto Bolaño
(March 20, 2025)Of all the things I opine on that I’m utterly unqualified to opine on, poetry is the thing that I’m unqualifiediest (that’s a word) to opine on. But I’ve never let that stop me before, so: Eh, it didn’t grab me. I have no idea, of course, whether it’s the translation that’s the problem (this … Continue reading Book Club 2025: De romantiske hundene by Roberto Bolaño
Book Club 2025: Line Up For Murder by Marian Babson
(March 20, 2025)Oops! I was hung over today, so I decided to read a mystery. This is a quite original concept — it’s about a bunch of people in line for days for a huge sale, and the “mystery” bit is about whether the people in the queue have other motives for sleeping on the sidewalk than … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Line Up For Murder by Marian Babson
Book Club 2025: Ned til hundene by Helle Helle
(March 18, 2025)Helle Helle is a Danish author, and I’ve seen her books around for years, but never actually read any of her books. I guess the main intriguing thing for me has been her cool name — yes, I’m that shallow. I guess I bought this book at an airport in December 2014, but then never … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Ned til hundene by Helle Helle
Book Club 2025: The Snow Queen by Michael Cunningham
(March 17, 2025)Like everybody else, I loved Cunningham’s book The Hours — it had a certain something very special going on. So I continued reading his books, but by the time I bought this one, I’d grown somewhat weary of his style. But I’ve got this strange habit of continuing to buy books from authors I’ve gone … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Snow Queen by Michael Cunningham
Book Club 2025: McSweeney’s #17
(March 15, 2025)This was published in 2005, but I apparently bought this in 2013 — at The Strand! I think this was after I stopped my subscription to the magazine, but apparently this format was irresistible to me. As it is to this day. Some of the “mail” in this package is just bizarre fun, like this … Continue reading Book Club 2025: McSweeney’s #17
Book Club 2025: Finding My Elegy by Ursula K. Le Guin
(March 14, 2025)The first half of this book has poems from most of her previous collections… … and I skipped that half, because I’ve already read them. Yes, OK, sure, perhaps I’m a teensy bit fanboyish about Le Guin? Anyway, the last half of the book is poetry written in the years before 2010, and I’ve been … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Finding My Elegy by Ursula K. Le Guin
Book Club 2025: King Rat by China Miéville
(March 14, 2025)I’ve read most of Miéville’s books, and they’re a bit hit or miss. He’s a talented writer on a sentence by sentence basis, and that’s sometimes a problem: He gets so enthusiastic about how good he is that he has a tendency to go on and on, conjuring forth an exciting miasmatic milieu just by … Continue reading Book Club 2025: King Rat by China Miéville
Book Club 2025: Daybreak Zero by John Barnes
(March 12, 2025)Barnes wrote some moderately entertaining space opera books back in the day, but this is book two in a post-apocalyptic series. I bought the two first books in 2012, but I only read the first, and I wasn’t quite sure why. But reading this now, it’s kinda coming back to me: The book is competently … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Daybreak Zero by John Barnes
Book Club 2025: The English Understand Wool by Helen DeWitt
(March 10, 2025)This is a very short book — it’s part of a series called “Storybook ND” with the motto “the pleasure of reading a great book from cover to cover in an afternoon”. And it really succeeds at being a satisfying little book. It’s almost a short story, really, but it’s sly and witty and feels … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The English Understand Wool by Helen DeWitt
Book Club 2025: The Emperor’s Soul by Brandon Sanderson
(March 9, 2025)I think this is probably the third Sanderson book I’ve read. Sanderson is, of course, one of the most-selling fantasy authors in the world, so I’ve avoided his books, but I picked up one last year and though “well, this isn’t that bad”, so I got two more. This is a novella, and again, it’s … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Emperor’s Soul by Brandon Sanderson
Book Club 2025: The Paris Review #250
(March 8, 2025)This is the latest issue, so I’m finally caught up! I mean, I’ve got a whole stack of old issues I bought the other year, but I’ve caught up with the more recent ones. I’ve been reading this over the past couple weeks… It’s an unusually topical issue, but slyly so. The interview with Hanif … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Paris Review #250
Book Club 2025: Lyorn by Steven Brust
(March 7, 2025)This is the seventeenth book in the Vlad Taltos series which has been going since the early 80s, so… 40 years? I think that’s pretty unique — I mean, there’s been many fantasy book series that have gone on for decades, but not quite this coherently. It’s basically the story of one single guy over … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Lyorn by Steven Brust
Book Club 2025: Parade by Rachel Cusk
(March 5, 2025)I don’t read reviews of book I might read, but I’ve seen some mutterings about this book — well, first of all, that’s it’s not as good as Outline, but then again, very few things are. So I was approaching this with some trepidation. Front-loading books with the most “difficult” material seems to be a … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Parade by Rachel Cusk
Book Club 2025: The Thief Who Couldn’t Sleep by Lawrence Block
(March 3, 2025)I quite enjoyed Block’s later Bernie Rhodenbarr books — they were repetetive, but well-written and amusing. So I went ahead and bought all of his earlier Tanner books, and this is the second of those I’ve read. And as before, he’s got the patter going, and it’s amusingly written. But the book has the structure … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Thief Who Couldn’t Sleep by Lawrence Block
Book Club 2025: Tales from the Folly by Ben Aaronovitch
(February 28, 2025)The worst mistake an author can do when writing short stories in between a series of novels is to try to “fill in” stuff from the backstory. That is, when creating a universe, good authors know a lot about their world that they never actually write (extensively) about. So for instance, if one of the … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Tales from the Folly by Ben Aaronovitch
Book Club 2025: The Unnamable by Samuel Beckett
(February 27, 2025)I bought this (at a sale) back in 2009 along with either Malone Dies or Molloy. I read the other book at the time, but not this one. I’m really culturemaxxing here — this edition was translated by Norway’s foremost poet, Jan Erik Vold, in the late 60s. And it flows really well; I wasn’t … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Unnamable by Samuel Beckett
Book Club 2025: School for Murder by Robert Barnard
(February 27, 2025)I had a hangover over today from all that jazz yesterday, so I read another mystery. This is pretty solid — lots of interesting characters and a brisk pace. The only problem was that I took a five minute time out to think about who the murderer could be, and there was really only one … Continue reading Book Club 2025: School for Murder by Robert Barnard
Book Club 2025: Arkansas by John Brandon
(February 24, 2025)I bought this in 2008 — for a handful of years back then I bought basically everything published by McSweeney’s. I had a subscription to the quarterly, of course, but I also snapped up the other books they published. Half of the charm was the humour surrounding McSweeney’s, even if the books themselves weren’t “funny … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Arkansas by John Brandon
Book Club 2025: In the Teeth of Adversity by Marian Babson
(February 24, 2025)I started this book last week while I had a cold, but then I suddenly got all better, and found it rather a chore to finish this book. It’s not that it’s bad on sentence by sentence basis, but Babson here really goes for a P. G. Wodehouse-style farce, but also featuring cats, several dentists … Continue reading Book Club 2025: In the Teeth of Adversity by Marian Babson
Book Club 2025: Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty
(February 17, 2025)“Despite this solve…” Oh my gerd! This is awful! On a sentence by sentence basis, this is gruelling. “The kettle screamed its achievement of boiling water and Adrian jerked it off the element, wincing.” This is torture. I got to page 30 before giving up, because the concept here sounds like it could be fun. … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty
Book Club 2025: In the Company of Cheerful Ladies by Alexander McCall Smith
(February 17, 2025)I’ve got a strange kind of cold this week — it doesn’t seem to get better or get worse, but just remains at a stage of me feeling slightly cruddy, so I’m picking books to read that go down easily. I’m not up for reading anything challenging. I bought this book in 2005 and then … Continue reading Book Club 2025: In the Company of Cheerful Ladies by Alexander McCall Smith
Book Club 2025: A Conventional Boy by Charles Stross
(February 16, 2025)This book collects one novella and two short stories, so, er, “A Laundry Files Novel”? Well, OK, perhaps Stross considers this to be a very short novel, and not a novella… Or perhaps the publishers think “novel” sells better than “novella”, and they should know. As usual with Stross, his style is burbling — it’s … Continue reading Book Club 2025: A Conventional Boy by Charles Stross
Book Club 2025: Cetaganda by Lois McMaster Bujold
(February 15, 2025)I’ve got a cold. Boo! But whenever I have a cold, I get to re-read old science fiction novels. Yay! I mean, I could do that even if I didn’t have a cold, but somehow I prefer reading new books when I’m well and books I’ve read before when I’m poorly. And this is just … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Cetaganda by Lois McMaster Bujold
Book Club 2025: The Sandcastle by Iris Murdoch
(February 13, 2025)Looks like I bought this book at a sale back in 2004 and then didn’t read it. I guess that happens more often with books on sale than other books. This is a slightly over-the-top satire of the “middle aged academic meets pixie dream girl” genre: The main character, Mor, is the head of a … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Sandcastle by Iris Murdoch
Book Club 2025: Heavy Weather by P. G. Wodehouse
(February 4, 2025)I’ve gotten to 1933 in my chronological read of P.G. Wodehouse novels, and I was wondering whether there’s a general drop-off in quality in his books… so I googled what people thought, and the rough consensus is that yes indeed, after 1940 his books suck or something? And that this is almost his final top … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Heavy Weather by P. G. Wodehouse
Book Club 2025: The Red and the Black II by Stendhal
(January 31, 2025)I read the first volume of this last year, and then I started this one a week ago. The Norwegian translation is by Paul René Gaugin, the more famous Gaugin’s son, and it was originally done for a 1944 translation (even if my edition is from the 70s). And… it’s almost wilfully archaic. That is, … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Red and the Black II by Stendhal
Book Club 2025: Past Regret by Marian Babson
(January 30, 2025)Still in the mood for something easy on the brain. Unfortunately, this isn’t one of Babson’s best books — her main strength (after being a pretty decent writer on a word by word basis) is that she’s good at keeping amusing patter going. And this is a more “serious” thriller than anything else, and it’s … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Past Regret by Marian Babson
Book Club 2025: Paws For Alarm by Marian Babson
(January 30, 2025)I was feeling in the mood to vegetate today, so I rooted out this old book that I probably read 20 years ago. It’s hard finding good trash. There’s an endless amount of solid serious literature, but finding books that are easy on the brain but still marginally well-written is hard. This was originally published … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Paws For Alarm by Marian Babson
Book Club 2025: Powder and Patch by Georgette Heyer
(January 26, 2025)I’ve read most of Heyer’s classic books (i.e., the regency romances and her crime novels), and a handful of years ago I made I final sweep to buy her remaining books. The remaining books were mostly her “serious” historic books and her very serious contemporary novels (and in particular the latter aren’t regarded very highly … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Powder and Patch by Georgette Heyer
Book Club 2025: The Paris Review 234
(January 26, 2025)Is this a book even? It’s a literary magazine, but it’s book like, and this is my book club, so there! I’ve almost read the entire backlog of Paris Reviews that built up during Corona and stuff, so this is from 2020. Happier times. It’s a good issue. More experimental than usual, perhaps. Anyway! Class! … Continue reading Book Club 2025: The Paris Review 234
Book Club 2025: Here Comes A Hero by Lawrence Block
(January 22, 2025)I’ve read quite a few books by Lawrence Block — they’re a bit hit or miss. That is, he writes well, but his plots often leave much to be desired. This is from an early series, and I haven’t read any of these books before. Well, yes, this is wittily written as usual. You can’t … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Here Comes A Hero by Lawrence Block
Book Club 2025: Still Life by Louise Penny
(January 22, 2025)I was in the mood to read some cheesy detective novel today, and this was recommended for fans of Agatha Christie, etc… … but my god! The horrors! The writing here is so awful. It’s not just that she’s heavy handed with the adjective and adverb sprinkling, but the way pronouns don’t always match up … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Still Life by Louise Penny
Book Club 2025: Memory’s Legion by James S. A. Corey
(January 20, 2025)This is a collection of short stories from the Expanse universe. They were published concurrently with the novels, but I haven’t read them before this. And I was thinking… “yay! an opportunity to spend some nostalgic time with all those characters I loved!” And this is not that at all. Instead we get the backstories … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Memory’s Legion by James S. A. Corey
Book Club 2025: Poems 1918-1975 by Charles Reznikoff
(January 11, 2025)Heh, looks like I bought this book at a sale around 1998 (for like $7) and never got around to reading it. It’s not that I don’t enjoy Reznikoff, but I just don’t like omnibus books… I prefer reading the books separately for some reason or other. Anyway, this is the stuff. THE STUFF. There’s … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Poems 1918-1975 by Charles Reznikoff
Book Club 2025: In the Country of Last Things by Paul Auster
(January 6, 2025)I bought this book in 1998, at the tail end of my Auster obsession. In the 90s, I read everything he published — the novels, of course, but also the essay collections, the plays, the juvenalia… and watched all movies he’d been involved with. But I grew increasingly… er… overly familiar with his storytelling ticks? … Continue reading Book Club 2025: In the Country of Last Things by Paul Auster
Book Club 2025: Doctor Sally by P. G. Wodehouse
(January 5, 2025)I’m reading Wodehouse sorta chronologically, and I’ve now reached 1931. This is a short novel based on one of Wodehouse’s plays. And it is, of course, very witty, but like all of the books that Wodehouse wrote that were based on his plays, it’s just not as good as his other novels. It retains the … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Doctor Sally by P. G. Wodehouse
Book Club 2025: Mitt Abruzzo by Pet Petterson
(January 5, 2025)I’ve been reading this book for over a year before falling asleep, and it works well as that. Er, I mean, it’s not that it’s boring or anything, but it’s a journal and I can read a couple of pages, or read a dozen pages, and it’s fine — I don’t have to remember much … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Mitt Abruzzo by Pet Petterson
Book Club 2025: Arkhangelsk by Elizabeth H. Bonesteel
(January 3, 2025)I started reading this book a week ago, but then stopped and read some other books in between. It’s not that it’s a bad book — and Elizabeth H. Bonesteel should surely win the coveted “Most Real-Sounding Name For An Author” prize of 2025 — it’s a pretty exciting mystery set on a far-away planet. … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Arkhangelsk by Elizabeth H. Bonesteel
Book Club 2025: Some Memories of Drawings by Georgia O’Keeffe
(January 2, 2025)Hm, why did I buy this one again…? Oh, right, I read Andrew White’s comics piece on O’Keeffe, and I think he recommended this book in the commentary or something? It’s a very handsome book. And I didn’t realise she worked in all these different styles… O’Keeffe’s comments are quite amusing, too. Some Memories of … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Some Memories of Drawings by Georgia O’Keeffe
Book Club 2025: Death of an Old Goat by Robert Barnard
(January 2, 2025)Am I doing this? Hm… Well, I thought it might be slightly amusing to log books I’m reading… but I don’t want to review books, because if you’re reviewing books, you start reading them in a different way, and I don’t want to do that. So, like, perhaps just a couple sentences about each book? … Continue reading Book Club 2025: Death of an Old Goat by Robert Barnard
The Books of 2024
(December 30, 2024)Yet another year where I didn’t read that many books — only about 60. And mostly junk, because I was busy with other stuff. Do I have anything to say about any of them… er… let’s see… Hangman (by Mary Binyam) is an interesting novel and I like the way it’s written, but… OK, I … Continue reading The Books of 2024
Design on Parade
(September 8, 2024)In the years after Rachel Cusk’s Outline books took the literary world by storm, book publishers tried to get in on the action (as is their wont) by giving all women authors basically the same design that Cusk uses on her books: One ambiguous, large image in the middle of a white page, with the … Continue reading Design on Parade
I should read some Mary Robison
(July 15, 2024)I should read some Alice Notley
(May 4, 2024)Book ‘n Stuff
(March 8, 2024)The navel gazing movie stats post made me think about the other thing I do that I have data for: Reading books! Back in 2013, I implemented an Emacs mode for keeping track of what books I had (because I’m the kind of reader that obsessively buys all the books from the authors I like, … Continue reading Book ‘n Stuff
My New Book Review Blog
(February 19, 2024)Just kidding! Ain’t nobody got time for reviewing, but I just read this book: It’s Sheri Tepper’s final book, written when she was in her 80s and published two years before she died. On Goodreads, Fish Tails has a kinda normal 3.6 total grade, but there are so many one star reviews like this: I … Continue reading My New Book Review Blog
The Books of 2023
(January 4, 2024)I haven’t read that many books in 2023… what you see in this lil’ bookcase are all of them. (I empty it out every year and then watch it fill up slowly…) I guess there’s about *guesstimates* 60-ish? I guess it’s been more of a comics year than a book year. Below is a list … Continue reading The Books of 2023
(January 6, 2023)Time to clear out the little book-case of stuff I read in 2022… I read 89 books in 2022, according to Emacs… Not that many, but I was really busy until October, and then suddenly I wasn’t busy at all, for some reason or other. Anything interesting about the selection, in hindsight? Probably not, but … Continue reading Readin’
The Year In Review
(December 27, 2020)When this year started out, I had so many plans! I was going to go to the Big Ears festival in Knoxville, and perhaps go to some islands, and zip and zoom around, and… So instead I was standing before the wall of unread books, as so often before, and thinking “I’m never going to … Continue reading The Year In Review
BC&B: Poulet Mistral le Prieuré w/ Tarte aux Pommes Françoise Potel
(October 22, 2020)This is it: The final post in this exciting blog series, where I cook two dishes from Patricia Wells’ Bistro Cooking book (sequentially), and read one book from the shelf that had the most recently acquired books. (Yes, it makes no sense as a blogging concept.) I’ve only made it about… a fifth? of my … Continue reading BC&B: Poulet Mistral le Prieuré w/ Tarte aux Pommes Françoise Potel
BC&B: Tian de Légumes w/ La Brandade de Morue de Madame Cartet
(October 5, 2020)Another day (or week or something), another book to read and another couple of dishes from the Bistro Cooking book by Patricia Wells. Only two more posts to go, though: I’m running out of books from that cubby. So today we have: A veggie gratin! With… courgettes and aubergine and stuff. But mostly those two … Continue reading BC&B: Tian de Légumes w/ La Brandade de Morue de Madame Cartet
BC&B: La Volaille au Vinaigre de Vin Bistro d’à Côté w/ Financiers aux Noisettes
(July 30, 2020)The dead animal dishes I’ve enjoyed most from this Bistro Cooking book (by Patricia Wells) have definitely been the dead chicken dishes. The dead cow dishes have all (I think? how long has this blog series gone on now? a decade or two?) been disappointing: Very heavy and somewhat offputting. So this week I’m doing … Continue reading BC&B: La Volaille au Vinaigre de Vin Bistro d’à Côté w/ Financiers aux Noisettes
BC&B: Sauté de Veau aux Carottes La Boutarde w/ Harengs Marinés
(July 23, 2020)Just four (?) posts to go! So that’s eight dishes and four books. The first dish of the day is the mains, because it turns out that the starter takes four days! Who knew! Not me! I never read these recipes before I start to cook; I just get the ingredients and hope for the … Continue reading BC&B: Sauté de Veau aux Carottes La Boutarde w/ Harengs Marinés
BC&B: Terrine de Poireaux aux Lamelles de Truffes Michel Trama w/ Terrine aux Herbes de Provence Madame Cartet
(July 18, 2020)It’s a new week, so it’s another couple of Patricia Wells recipes and a new book. OK, for the starter this week, I’m doing this… terrine? Tell me you’re reading this recipe the same way I’m reading it: It’s a bunch of boiled leeks? (Leek? What’s the plural? One leek, two leek… probably with an … Continue reading BC&B: Terrine de Poireaux aux Lamelles de Truffes Michel Trama w/ Terrine aux Herbes de Provence Madame Cartet
BC&B: Poulet Sauté aux Echalotes w/ Tarte au Fromage Blanc Ferme d’Alsace
(July 11, 2020)Hi! It’s been quite a while since the last chapter of this blog series… since before The Pandemic, I think? It seems like most people reacted to the thing by starting to bake and cook like crazy, but I mostly just… sat on the couch and read stacks and stacks of books. For some reason, … Continue reading BC&B: Poulet Sauté aux Echalotes w/ Tarte au Fromage Blanc Ferme d’Alsace
(May 4, 2020)I’ve just read the second book in Rachel Cusk’s Outline trilogy, and it’s fabulous — perhaps even better than the first? Anyway, it reminded me that I read a shattering and hilarious parody of Cusk in a Norwegian newspaper a few months back. So I translated it into English; I hope nobody minds? I think … Continue reading Outline
BC&B: Morue à la Provençale le Caméléon w/ Aïoli
(February 29, 2020)Food time! The salt cod dishes in the Bistro Cooking book have been pretty spiffy… this one looks like it’s in a more bacalaoish direction than the previous ones, what with all the tomatoes and stuff. There’s all the usual stuff… and then a whole lot of herbs. Even before starting to cook, it smells … Continue reading BC&B: Morue à la Provençale le Caméléon w/ Aïoli
BC&B: Tranche de Gigot La Boutarde w/ Tarte au Citron Madame Cartet
(February 19, 2020)Food and book time! I usually shop specifically for the dishes in the Bistro Cooking book, but today I saw some lamb cutlets and I thought that surely there’d be a recipe for that in the book, even if that meant I had to cheat and skip forward a bit in the Les Viandes chapter. … Continue reading BC&B: Tranche de Gigot La Boutarde w/ Tarte au Citron Madame Cartet
BC&B: Poulet Basquaise w/ Céleri Rémoulade
(February 15, 2020)Food time. The next starter in the Bistro Cooking book is another rémoulade. And… it does look like a nice slaw, doesn’t it? Celery root and Dijon mustard. But… that’s like the entire dish? Just a slaw as a dish? That’s… kinda… Perhaps this is the the best slaw ever. Anyway, it’s just those ingredients. … Continue reading BC&B: Poulet Basquaise w/ Céleri Rémoulade
BC&B: Gardiane La Cargue w/ Cervelas Rémoulade
(February 10, 2020)Busyness never ends, so I’ve had no time to read anything… which means that I can’t cook anything either. It’s this whole concept. Finally, time for some food. So the starter couldn’t possibly be simpler: It’s sausages with a Dijon mayonnaise. But that means that I get another crack at making mayonnaise: My two previous … Continue reading BC&B: Gardiane La Cargue w/ Cervelas Rémoulade
B&CB: Aïoli Monstre w/ Aïoli
(January 16, 2020)New year, new decade, new food. The previous salt cod dish from the Bistro Cooking book was delicious, so I’m all excited about this one: Lots of veggies, cod and aioli. The only thing that’s odd about this recipe is its name: Grand aioli. I mean, that’s just the sauce. So this is a two-for-one … Continue reading B&CB: Aïoli Monstre w/ Aïoli
BC&B: Poulet au Vinaigre Le Petit Truc w/ Estouffade Provençale
(December 27, 2019)The next poultry disk in the Bistro Cooking book is a chicken-in-vinegar thing, and I’m not all that fond of vinegar, so I’m slightly sceptical. But let’s see. The ingredients are simple enough: A chicken, tarragon, wine and vinegar (and some veggies). And Stargate: SG1. So to get the show started, the chicken has to … Continue reading BC&B: Poulet au Vinaigre Le Petit Truc w/ Estouffade Provençale
BC&B: Saucisson Chaud Pommes À L’Huile w/ Cake au Citron
(December 4, 2019)It’s been a while since I French Bistroed (had a cold twice! or two different ones once! each!), but it’s time to start cooking again. The next thing in the appetiser section is … basically some sausage with some potatoes tossed in an onion/vinegar mixture. I’m quite sceptical, because it looks (once again) like it’s … Continue reading BC&B: Saucisson Chaud Pommes À L’Huile w/ Cake au Citron
BC&B: Gratin de Morue w/ Tartines de Pistou et Poisson Fumé la Boutarde
(November 2, 2019)Is this the first fish course I made from this book? It may be, and it’s because I took a look at the first recipe in this chapter and thought “well, OK, that sounds good, but… not now.” But now is now. Or a couple of days from now, because the main ingredient here is … Continue reading BC&B: Gratin de Morue w/ Tartines de Pistou et Poisson Fumé la Boutarde
BC&B: Pâtes aux Citron, Jambon, et Olives Noires le Procope w/ Quatre-Quarts aux Poires
(October 21, 2019)I had a cold, so I’ve been fixing Emacs bugs instead of cooking, but now I’m back in the kitchen. This is the first pasta recipe I’ve done from the book? Looks annoyingly simple: It more fun to do elaborate dishes. But perhaps it’ll be delicious. Hm. That list of ingredients makes me doubtful, though. … Continue reading BC&B: Pâtes aux Citron, Jambon, et Olives Noires le Procope w/ Quatre-Quarts aux Poires
BC&B: Poulet Rôti aux Herbes Pile ou Face w/ Le Cachat
(October 6, 2019)OK; time for more food. The next selections from the Bistro Cooking book in the cheese section is this thing: It’s… uhm… Simple? It’s chevre with cottage cheese and some herbs. I did not have summer savory (because it’s autumn), so I just went with thyme. So you dump it all into a food processor … Continue reading BC&B: Poulet Rôti aux Herbes Pile ou Face w/ Le Cachat
BC&B: Daube de Boeuf Auberge de la Madone aux Cèpes et à l’Orange w/ Gâteau au Chocolat Le Mas de Chastelas
(October 5, 2019)It’s been a while since I cooked anything for this silly blog series, but I’ve been like busy and stuff. And so I’m going to cheat and not actually read a book (this is a food/book pairing blog, I’m sure you don’t remember). So just food this time, but it’s food that takes a while … Continue reading BC&B: Daube de Boeuf Auberge de la Madone aux Cèpes et à l’Orange w/ Gâteau au Chocolat Le Mas de Chastelas
BC&B: Tapenado Restaurant Maurice Brun w/ Oeufs en Meurette
(September 23, 2019)This is a slightly unusual tapenade — it’s big and chunky and is supposed to be eaten like an appetiser. Well, I’m on board with that, because I love olives. I was unable to find olives from Nyons, so I substituted some other, less Nyonneuse olives. I wonder what makes them special… Hm… Ah, they’re … Continue reading BC&B: Tapenado Restaurant Maurice Brun w/ Oeufs en Meurette
BC&B: Salade Frisée aux Lardons aux Lyonnais w/ Mon Gâteau au Chocolat
(September 20, 2019)I think I’ll do a salad tonight, because… Salads. As salads go, it’s not very saladey. I mean, the main ingredient is pork sausage. Those aren’t green. Or not supposed to be green. If you’re eating green pork sausage, you should probably reconsider. I went to a couple of stores to get endive, but couldn’t … Continue reading BC&B: Salade Frisée aux Lardons aux Lyonnais w/ Mon Gâteau au Chocolat
BC&B: Pot-au-Feu aux Deux Viandes Chez Adrienne w/ Gratin Dauphinois Madame Laracine
(September 14, 2019)OK, time for more bistro cooking and more books. Today I’m doing this meaty meat recipe, which looks pretty fun. It’s the most complicated recipe so far, with about seven things that have to be timed to be finished at the same time. And it’s got marrow bones, which I’ve never cooked ever, so that’s … Continue reading BC&B: Pot-au-Feu aux Deux Viandes Chez Adrienne w/ Gratin Dauphinois Madame Laracine
BC&B: Soupe à l’Oignon Pied de Cochon w/ Anchoïade Chez Gilbert
(September 11, 2019)As you will remember from the previous chapters of this blog series (*cough* *cough*), I’m cooking my may through the Bistro Cooking book. So for dinner tonight I’m starting off with: So that’s an… anchovy… paste thing on toast, I guess? So here’s the ingredients: It’s really super-simple, once again: Basically just garlic, anchovies and … Continue reading BC&B: Soupe à l’Oignon Pied de Cochon w/ Anchoïade Chez Gilbert
Bistro Cooking and Books
(September 8, 2019)I’ve had this cook book by Patricia Wells for decades, and have always liked the results when I’ve made something from it. Which hasn’t been often, mind you, because I’m super lazy and the recipes often start with “take 25 rabbits…” and doing the required math to get down to the sizes I’m going for … Continue reading Bistro Cooking and Books
BC&B: Poulet Rôti L’Ami Louis w/ Gratin Dauphinois Madame Cartet
(September 8, 2019)The major problem about blogging about cooking is that this is the default state of the kitchen: I’m glad that nobody saw that picture, because there’s like no room to cook anywhere because I’m a slob. Oops! OK, that’s marginally better. So today (the first day of this blog series) I’m cooking the first poultry … Continue reading BC&B: Poulet Rôti L’Ami Louis w/ Gratin Dauphinois Madame Cartet
CCCB: Ulysses
(May 2, 2019)This is the last entry in this blog series (where I read an old unread book and bake something, because that’s a thing), and I wanted to bake something non-sweet for a change. But not bread. After considering a lot of things that straddle the baked goods/dinner continuum it all of a sudden occurred to … Continue reading CCCB: Ulysses
CCCB: The Fall of Hyperion
(April 11, 2019)I’ve done too many almond-based goods, so I thought I’d try my hand on some profiteroles with this recipe. Approx. Because I didn’t really want the chocolate part. Most of the recipes stress how “simple” this recipe is… but it has the normal number of ingredients. What’s simple, perhaps, is that it uses something as … Continue reading CCCB: The Fall of Hyperion
CCCB: Marya: A Life
(April 4, 2019)Last week I did croissants to indifferent results, so why not try something that has almost as bad reputation for being tricky: Macarons. And then I found this recipe for liquorice macarons. Yes! But then I started to study it, and it seems kinda odd. I mean 2 cups of chocolate chips for the filling? … Continue reading CCCB: Marya: A Life
CCCB: The Edible Woman/Surfacing/Lady Oracle
(March 28, 2019)If there’s one thing an amateur cook shouldn’t attempt (and there’s nobody more amateur than me), it’s croissants, apparently. So I wanted to give it a try. It’s 3x more futzy than any other recipe I’ve attempted. It’s not that any single step is particularly daunting, but there’s just so many of them with hours … Continue reading CCCB: The Edible Woman/Surfacing/Lady Oracle
CCCB: The Ticket That Exploded
(March 21, 2019)For this week’s cake I’m making something called “tropical aroma”. I know you’re thinking “pineapple and mango?” now, but this is an old-school chocolate cake, and the tropical ingredients are cinnamon, nutmeg and coffee. And possibly the chocolate. That’s tropical too, right? I’m not a coffee drinker (I guzzle tea by the gallons), but I … Continue reading CCCB: The Ticket That Exploded
CCCB: Magic Hour
(March 14, 2019)I’ve never made a pie before, which isn’t surprising, I guess, because I’ve basically never baked in my life before starting this blog series. So I was just thinking about what to make, and the words Lemon Meringue Pie just popped into my head. So I’m going to make that, even though I’ve never tasted … Continue reading CCCB: Magic Hour
CCCB: Woman on the Edge of Time
(March 7, 2019)Thursday is baking day, and I chose a cake I haven’t tasted in decades: The Tosca Cake. It’s apparently named after that most jumpingest of all opera heroines. Perhaps it’s named after her because it’s a pretty heavy cake and Tosca fell like a rock into the river? The comment on that page, however, claims … Continue reading CCCB: Woman on the Edge of Time
CCCB: Downriver
(February 21, 2019)For the baking today, I’m going to do a slight re-run: A few weeks ago I did a knead-free pan bread. Which turned out delicious. But it seemed to me that the recipe just had a few more complicated steps than seems necessary: You’re supposed to fold the dough a few times before doing the … Continue reading CCCB: Downriver
CCCB: Miracle of the Rose
(February 6, 2019)When I went to the kitchen equipment store and asked for the stuff I needed to bake these things, the shop assistant asked me “you’re making smultringer (literally “lard rings”) after Christmas?” incredulously. Which was slightly weird. These are things one makes in Scandinavia at Xmas, but they’re eaten all year long, because these are … Continue reading CCCB: Miracle of the Rose
CCCB: Jane Eyre
(January 17, 2019)Thursday is book’n’bake day. The bready hype the last few months has been the no-knead bread recipe from the New York Times. (Were they the ones responsible for the one-pot pasta travesty that was all the rage a couple of years ago? That thing was vile.) But let’s give it a go. You basically just … Continue reading CCCB: Jane Eyre
CCCB: Last and First Men/Star Maker
(January 10, 2019)Wow, it’s Thursday, so something must be baked. And it’s not me! Years ago, there was a fabulous cookie in the stores here. They were made by Walkers, and they were “stem ginger” cookies. They were glorious. Chewy, flavourful, in your face. Apparently nobody else liked them, because they disappeared only to be replaced by … Continue reading CCCB: Last and First Men/Star Maker
CCCB: Composed on the Tongue
(January 3, 2019)IT IS THURSDAY AND I MUST BAKE I had a lot of egg whites left over from making custard, so I thought I’d just make something very simple to go with this week’s book: Meringue. Olé! Caramba! Gaucho! But I put lots of liquorice powder into the er dough before piping it onto the silicone. … Continue reading CCCB: Composed on the Tongue
CCCB: El desorden de to nombre
(December 27, 2018)For the baking part of this challenge, I chose the Norwegian delicacy “school bread”, which is a bun with a dollop of custard, and then coconut frosting on the exposed bready parts. I’m guessing it’s called that because it’s very sweet and kinda fulfilling, what with all the wheat, sugar and egg involved. Not a … Continue reading CCCB: El desorden de to nombre
CCCB: The Two of Them
(December 20, 2018)It’s Thursday, so I have to pick a book to read. Hickory dickory… I choose The Two of Them by Joanna Russ. Many of the books I’ve apparently avoided reading for two and a half decades have good reasons for not being read. This is not one of them. I bought, at the time, all … Continue reading CCCB: The Two of Them
CCCB: Oliver Twist
(December 12, 2018)It’s Thursday, so it must be time to bake something and read a book I’ve avoided reading for a couple of decades. I’ve done cake and cookies, so why not bread? Nutty bread. Looks like the flour:nut ratio is 25:10, and I have no idea whether that’s like totally nuts. I have baked a couple … Continue reading CCCB: Oliver Twist
(December 6, 2018)I cracked open a paperback of The Incrementalists by Steven Brust and Skyler White and: Huh, apparently a child had been checking whether their pen worked? Oh well, that’s what happens when you buy used books. And then I flipped to the back cover: Uhm. Right. Are either Brust or White doctors, by any chance?
CCCB: The Place of Dead Roads
(December 6, 2018)It’s Thursday, so it must be time for some baking and an old book. I decided on ginger nuts, and I wanted a recipe that would give me slightly soft cookies. So I went for one with syrup. Does that makes sense? I don’t know? Do I look like I know what I’m doing? There’s … Continue reading CCCB: The Place of Dead Roads
CCCB: Haunted
(November 29, 2018)It’s Thursday, so it must be time to pick an ancient unread book from the bookcase and bake some cake. The lucky winner this week is Haunted, a short story collection by Joyce Carol Oates. This is a collection of horror stories published in various magazines: It’s time for a shocking confession: I’ve never read … Continue reading CCCB: Haunted
CCCB: Mind as Passion
(November 22, 2018)Eenie meenie… It’s Thursday, so time to pick another book to read from the cache of my most ancient unread books and bake another cake. And this time the lucky winner is Susan Sontag: Mind as Passion by Liam Kennedy. Which I apparently bought at a sale in mid-90s (so it’s a bit newer than … Continue reading CCCB: Mind as Passion
CCCB: Larque on the Wing
(November 15, 2018)Like everybody, I’ve got a bookcase of unread books, but perhaps weirdly, mine is organised along a simple principle: Older books sink towards the bottom. That is, as I read books, I compact the rest and move them towards the bottom left. It’s a sedimental journey. The last couple of years I’ve read very few … Continue reading CCCB: Larque on the Wing
I ❤ The Paris Review
(February 15, 2017)My favourite thing to read while travelling is The Paris Review. It has like full-spectrum literature that’s perfect for reading while getting slightly drunk on airplanes. So I just bought a whole stack of old issues from the sixties, seventies and eighties. You can still get them pretty cheap from sources on the interwebs. Man, … Continue reading I ❤ The Paris Review
(January 5, 2014)I rather like reading books, but I have this absurd sense of accomplishment whenever I finish something. Anything. “Wow, I managed to finish eating that hamburger! USA! USA!” Finishing something you like doing isn’t really something to brag about, but that’s the way I feel. So a couple of years ago I started putting books … Continue reading Books
1995: The Novellas of Martha Gellhorn
(July 25, 2013)1995 is over, and this is perhaps the essence of books-that-I-didn’t-read: It’s a short story collection; it’s an omnibus; it’s really long; I bought it on sale; it’s by an author I had grown disenchanted with. I first read Martha Gellhorn’s The Face of War, and was completely blown away. Then I bought The View … Continue reading 1995: The Novellas of Martha Gellhorn
1995: Slik talte Zarathustra
(July 21, 2013)1995 is almost at an end! After Friedrich Nietzsche has been vanquished, nothing stands between me and the super-human effort that is finishing something! So I say: Hah! This book is most amusing! Just watch! I am laughing! Hah! Hah! Hah! – Also sprach Lars Rating: Moustacheriffic
1995: Sol, stå stille
(July 17, 2013)I got this book in 1995. It’s another of my grandfather’s books. It’s about Israel, and was written in Denmark in 1950, so it’s written while things were still going on in Israel. On the other hand, when weren’t they? Poul Borchsenius doesn’t make much of an effort to tell a balanced tale, but he … Continue reading 1995: Sol, stå stille
1995: Both Right and Left Handed
(July 13, 2013)I bought this book by Bouthaina Shaaban in 1995. More because I had a tendency to buy all books I happened upon published by The Woman’s Press (they have a very neat logo) than because I wanted to read a book subtitled “Arab Women Talk About Their Lives”. I know. I know. Anyway. Shaaban writes … Continue reading 1995: Both Right and Left Handed
(July 3, 2013)I have literally no idea why I might have ordered this book, but I’m unpacking stuff. And just look at this cover: That’s just totally fabulous. And the book feels fantastic. I want to read it right now! But I’m not going to. Probably next week.
1995: New Writing 4
(June 28, 2013)This is an anthology of (mainly) British writing (edited by A. S. Byatt and Alan Hollinghurst) that I bought at a sale in 1995, and didn’t read. For obvious reasons. I mean, it’s an anthology of (mainly) British writing. Give me a break! This isn’t a “best of” anthology, or anything. Apparently the editors just … Continue reading 1995: New Writing 4
1995: Bingo!
(June 24, 2013)Ketil Bjørnstad is a musician and an author, and this book is about a musician who’s also an author. And then there’s a Hardy Boys plot about terrorism and the Steiner School. The bits about being a musician are better than the terrorism bit. There’s a sort of vigorous charm in the writing, and there … Continue reading 1995: Bingo!
1995: Longer Views
(June 15, 2013)I had read most of Susan Sontag’s non-fiction, and then I didn’t read her novel, so it makes sense that I would read all of Samuel Delany’s fiction, but then not read his essay collection “Longer Views”. Don’t you think? It demonstrates the mirror image stage in specifying the signifiers signified by m/othering the other. … Continue reading 1995: Longer Views
1995: The Volcano Lover
(June 3, 2013)I read virtually everything of Susan Sontag’s while in my 20s, and felt very clever indeed. I seem to recall buying this book on one of my first trips to London, in 1995. What was the name of the bookstore… Blue Moon? No. Silver Moon. I bought a bunch of Angela Carter books there, too. … Continue reading 1995: The Volcano Lover
1995: Den store sledereisen
(March 20, 2013)Or “The Big Sled Ride”, by Knud Rasmussen. My mother gave me this book in 1995. It had been one of her father’s favourite books. My grandfather lived even more way to the north of Norway than I did. He was a fisherman, going out on the northern seas in his boat. Fishing… some kind … Continue reading 1995: Den store sledereisen
1995: En glad gutt
(February 19, 2013)I haven’t read many of the Norwegian classics. I’m pretty sure I’ve never read anything by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (his name translates to Bear Star Bear Son — like wow) before. This book, called perhaps “A Jolly Lad”, is a slender volume on young love across the class barriers, as well as a society getting progressively … Continue reading 1995: En glad gutt
1995: Sataniske vers
(February 14, 2013)My sister used to work for a book publisher, so she got tons of free books. The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie was probably one of them, which explains why I’ve got it. It’s better than I expected. It’s written in a very late-80s coke-fuelled wide-eye manic way, with one tableaux after another. Quite entertaining, … Continue reading 1995: Sataniske vers
1995: Till Damaskus/Ett drömspel
(February 5, 2013)I couldn’t remember buying this, and it turns out that I didn’t. It was forgotten by somebody at my apt, and he’s since gone onto become a theater instructor. How appropriate, since this is a collection of two plays by August Strindberg. I probably get a more abstract impression of the plays than originally intended. … Continue reading 1995: Till Damaskus/Ett drömspel
1995: The Woman in the Dunes
(January 31, 2013)Continuing the stooory of 1995, for some reason or other I had bought this book by Kobo (The Meat) Abé. Probably because it was on sale. Which also explains why I didn’t read it. It turns out to be a fantastically written punch in the stomach. It’s a sandy, moist and claustrophobic horror show. And … Continue reading 1995: The Woman in the Dunes
1995: Forsøk i kjærlighet
(January 28, 2013)I hadn’t kept up with the 1995 project in a while, so I pounced on Essays in Love: A Novel by Alain de Botton yesterday. It’s a somewhat unusual novel. As it says on the cover, it’s sort of an essay collection, and it’s sort of a novel. So very avantey. But not really. It’s … Continue reading 1995: Forsøk i kjærlighet
Review of The Enduring Flame part 3: The Phoenix Transformed by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory
(January 19, 2013)Books, Emacs, and ISBN APIs
(January 18, 2013)I have the worst memory. But even so, I pretty much manage to remember what books I’ve read. If I’ve read Anagrams by Lorrie Moore, I remember that. The problem is with the less (how to put it?) good books. I read a lot of crap. Crap that I like, but it’s crap. Book after … Continue reading Books, Emacs, and ISBN APIs
1995: Dagbøker i stein
(December 15, 2012)Or “The Stone Diaries” as it was called in English. The reason this one never got read is probably that I suspected it to be respectable and stuff. And it is. It’s very respectable. Initially I thought it was a fictional (auto-)biography of sorts. Then when I reached the middle, I found all these pictures … Continue reading 1995: Dagbøker i stein
1995: The Zanzibar Cat
(November 13, 2012)I’m not a fan of short story collections, but I’m a fan of a number of authors who write one short story collection after another, so I read them anyway. But that explains why this book went unread. I really like Joanna Russ. She’s very funny and she’s quite angry, which makes for an enjoyable … Continue reading 1995: The Zanzibar Cat
1995: The Mark of Merlin
(October 17, 2012)I bought this book at an SF auction thing at the University. I remember a bidding war broke out between me and some woman over this book. I’m not sure why. I was just caught up in the excitement. And then it sat on the bookshelf until now. I used to read a lot of … Continue reading 1995: The Mark of Merlin
1995: Tourists
(October 14, 2012)I do remember why I haven’t read this one. I thought it was a short story collection. I hate short story collections. No, that’s not quite true. I love short stories. It’s just that they take more energy than novels. They’re so compressed. You have to start caring about these characters in a couple of … Continue reading 1995: Tourists
1995: Homo Falsus
(October 12, 2012)Do you remember back in the mid-80s where all books dealt with writers who were writing the book you were reading, or were they? The post-modernity of this book is pretty staggering. And perhaps not in a good way. But that’s just what virtually all literature was like in 1984. This one has not just … Continue reading 1995: Homo Falsus
1995: Ring of Swords
(October 10, 2012)Getting the festival of 1995 underway, I picked the book I knew absolutely the least about first. It seemed like a pretty nice hard-ish SF novel, so why hadn’t I read it already? Now I remember… I had bought it along with a swarm of other touchy feely SF books, and I had kinda gotten … Continue reading 1995: Ring of Swords
(July 15, 2012)I’ve always bought more books than I can possibly read. It’s under control, though. Just a fraction more. But it means that the section of the bookcase(s) that contain the unread books grows, slowly but inevitably. That’s fine. I put the books I read at the top of the bookcase, and the unread ones sort … Continue reading Readin’
Cheapskates Revealed!
(April 30, 2012)In the previous installment, we saw that Penguin had done weird stuff typographically. And now I understand why. In the back of the book is a “List of Variants”, which details minutely what manuscripts have been used. I mean, important stuff like “La” vs “la”. And they list these variants based on page and line … Continue reading Cheapskates Revealed!
(April 29, 2012)I was reading Tender is the Night and was puzzling over the typesetting. The foreword and the index is set in a very clear, narrow typeface, while the text itself looks old and worn. This is unfortunately an annotated edition, which I loathe. I wouldn’t have bought it if I’d known. But that doesn’t make … Continue reading Cheapskates
It’s like the 4th of July
(May 17, 2011)I’ve been celebrating the Norwegian constitutional day (I think it’s celebrating that we were rid of the tyrannical rule of the Danes, or the Swedes, or somebody equally tyrannical and heinous) by putting up more book shelves. I’m not digital at all in the book dept. It’s still all papery stuff. It takes a lot … Continue reading It’s like the 4th of July
Square McSweeney’s
(January 10, 2011)The fun people at McSweeney’s have done a lot of amusingly formatted issues of their Quarterly Concern (a shaving kit, an advertising folder, etc), but this one is certainly the bulkiest one: It’s a 15x15x15cm box, and when you crack open his forehead, you find lots of neat litte pamphlets inside instead of brains: And … Continue reading Square McSweeney’s