Category: New Music
December Music
(January 1, 2025)Music I’ve bought in December. I basically didn’t buy much of anything in December, for some reason or another.
November Music
(December 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in November. Wow, all of a sudden there’s a ton of music. Are record companies still pushing more albums ahead of Xmas? Like in the olden days? Even though nobody buys albums any more? Or perhaps it’s just random, but apparently I bought like 40 albums this month. So, anything interesting? Let’s … Continue reading November Music
October Music
(November 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in October. Hey! I got a lot of music this month… The Pescado Rabioso album was fun… I mean, it has a fun shape. But the Album of the Month is definitely the Nia Archives album. I was really into jungle back in the days, but it seemed to disappear after two … Continue reading October Music
September Music
(October 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in September. I almost didn’t buy anything, did I? I think October’s going to be stronger. And the only notable album this time around is Grush by µ-Ziq. It’s the bees’ knees. Or the bee’s knees. I always forget. But it fun how all these three er tentpole “IDM” artists from the … Continue reading September Music
August Music
(September 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in August. Let’s see… any trends in this month’s purchases? Yes, I bought a lot of albums from concerts I attended. Arooj Aftab was amazing in concert. And funny. Idles were a lot of fun. Nia Archives was totally ON during the show. And who knew that good old-fashioned jungle is back? … Continue reading August Music
July Music
(August 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in July. It’s been a normal month, I guess? The latest Sun Ra covers album is pretty nice — it’s all Nuclear War. Angel Bat Dawid’s version is particularly good, I think.
June Music
(July 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in June. A couple years ago, I started buying all the records that Ze Records had released, but when I got to 1983, I forgot to buy the rest. I’ve now remedied that unfortunate situation, and the last few albums are pretty good? But not as interesting as the ones from the … Continue reading June Music
May Music
(May 31, 2024)Music I’ve bought in May. So what have we got here… Ai Aso’s new album is produced by Stephen O’Malley from Sunn O))), and in a way it makes sense… it’s like the quietest album ever? But it sounds like Sunn O))), only with the volume turned down to almost nothing. And two albums by … Continue reading May Music
April Music
(May 2, 2024)Music I’ve bought in April. Shockingly few albums this month — I was away for a couple of weeks. But my demos from my brother’s teenage punk band was released on CD, at least. And the new Oren Ambarchi / Johan Berthling / Andreas Werliin album is swell. And the new Still House Plants album … Continue reading April Music
March Music
(April 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in March. After a very thin February, there’s more music in March. Still catching up with Fontaine DC’s discography. This album’s pretty spiffy. Very post punk. I also stumbled onto Eliza Carthy (doing a cover of a Lal Waterson song). Folk music sure has modernised lyrics these days (*clutches pearls*). Oh, and … Continue reading March Music
February Music
(March 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in February. I have bought basically no new albums in February — least albums ever. I wonder how that happened…
January Music
(January 31, 2024)Music I’ve bought in January. I didn’t really buy much stuff this month, but I bought several box sets, so there’s a lot of entries below… I guess the most fun thing this month was the Sleaford Mods cover of West End Girls. And the Andrew Poppy box set seems very fine… Er… and other … Continue reading January Music
December Music
(January 1, 2024)Music I’ve bought in December. Oh ghod I’m so drukn.
November Music
(December 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in November. Hey, that’s quite a lot of albums and stuff. Anything in particular stand out? Hm… Well, I really like the new album from Vanishing Twin. As usual, they sound a bit like Stereolab, but in a good way. I also got this old album from The Unthanks (best band name … Continue reading November Music
October Music
(November 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in October. I haven’t really bought that many albums this months, but then again, I was in London for almost two weeks. Which was a lot of fun — I went to half a dozen concerts. And what’s fun at concerts in London is that they often have opening acts that are … Continue reading October Music
September Music
(October 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in September. Hey! More music this month than the last few… The new (and final) Jamie Branch Fly or Die album is very good. Hm… anything else that stands out? I guess not — it’s the usual mix of old stuff and new stuff and rereleased stuff.
August Music
(September 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in August.
July Music
(August 2, 2023)Music I’ve bought in July. Not a lot of stuff this month, since I’ve been unexpectedly busy. I guess the most exciting album is the one from Still House Plants — it reminds me quite a bit of Wildbirds & Peacedrums? In a good way, of course.
June Music
(July 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in June. Hey! I actually got back into shopping new music this month. I guess Water From Your Eyes is the hype of the year, but the album is actually good. On the other hand, the new Everything But The Girl album has been getting rave reviews, which made me suspicious. And … Continue reading June Music
May Music
(June 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in May. I’m still limping around after twisting my ankle, so it’s SO IRONIC that I’ve got a new EP by: Don’t you think? It’s pretty good, too. I also like the new album by Liis Ring. I guess it’s part of this thing that I haven’t seen anybody try to make … Continue reading May Music
April Music
(May 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in April. Geez. Has it been a month already? I guess time flies when you’ve got a sprained ankle. And I guess that I’ve been totally slacking in the “buying new music” dept for pretty much the same reason, somehow… I did get at least one great album — The Blue Hour … Continue reading April Music
March Music
(April 14, 2023)Music I’ve bought in March. This post is way late (I know, I know) because I went to the Big Ears music festival in Knoxville, Tennessee. (And then got sick on the way home, but that’s a different story. Viruses!!!) Big Ears was great — Knoxville is just about the perfect size for a hipster … Continue reading March Music
February Music
(March 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in February. Haven’t really been buying much this month — it’s mostly just random bits and pieces. Hm… oh, it’s almost all old albums, isn’t it? Or albums from people who’ve been around for quite a while. One pleasant surprise was the new Orbital album — it sounds very early 90s, but … Continue reading February Music
January Music
(February 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in January. So what did I get this month… Oh! I checked out Laura Jean’s discogs page, and it turned out she’d released a new album last year! You’d think there’d be some way this information would, like, filter its way to me, like, by magic, but the tech apparently isn’t there … Continue reading January Music
December Music
(January 1, 2023)Music I’ve bought in December.
November Music
(December 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in November.
October Music
(November 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in October.
September Music
(October 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in September. Welcome to the Old Man Yells At Clouds edition of this blog series: I quite like the 77 album by Talking Heads. It’s not my favourite album or anything, but I grew up with it (one of my older sisters had a copy), and I still play it frequently. Over … Continue reading September Music
August Music
(August 31, 2022)Music I’ve bought in August. So what’s been happening in my music shopping this time? Uhm… Oh, yeah, the Bill Callahan/Bonnie “Prince” Billy lock-down collaborations album is really pretty. It’s 19 tracks done with various people over the Internets, and it’s a lot of fun. Brigitte Fontaine’s album with Art Ensemble of Chicago’s very nice. … Continue reading August Music
July Music
(August 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in July.
June Music
(July 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in June. I got most of these just a couple of days ago, so nothing’s really gelled as being fantastic in my mind. The Moby album of remixes of his Reprise orchestral rewords (which was really bad) is good. But that’s because the remixers disregarded that album and went back to the … Continue reading June Music
May Music
(June 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in May. After a slow April, May was full on shopping, apparently? Among the more notable things this month is this old Dry Cleaning EP. Dry Cleaning is just amazeballs; I have to catch them live this summer. I was also oddly taken by this MOR classic from the 70s. But be … Continue reading May Music
April Music
(May 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in April. It’s been a slow month, I guess? Yup; just the usual stuff.
March Music
(April 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in March. Mostly just the usual nonsense, but I saw that Ministry is going to play here in November, so I wondered what they sounded like these days: And they’ve dumped the metal thing they were going for a decade ago? And they’re now back to their 80s sound, sort of? So … Continue reading March Music
February Music
(March 1, 2022)Music I’ve bought in February. That was a short month. I seem to have carried on buying Ze records, but I also bought a handful of things featuring Sidsel Endresen, like the early-80s party band album from Chipahua. It’s fun.
January Music
(January 31, 2022)Music I’ve bought in January. Let’s see… what have I been buying this month? Yes, I remembered that I was buying my way through the Ze catalogue, like Alan Vega: And the Contortions: It’s very downtown. And other than that, it’s the usual stuff… Oh! And I’ve been continuing to buy Nina Simone’s albums. Yes, … Continue reading January Music
December Music
(December 31, 2021)Music I’ve bought in December.
November Music
(December 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in November. What do we have here, then… Uhm… looks like a pretty normal mix of things. I finally scored a copy of DJ\Rupture’s Curiosity Slowdown, and there’s a new PC Music thing, and some old Shopping… Oh, right! Open the gates we arrive energy time The new album by Irreversible Entanglements … Continue reading November Music
October Music
(November 2, 2021)Music I’ve bought in October. Anything particularly interesting this month? Hm… Well, it’s more new music than usual — JPEGMAFIA, Yves Tumor, Namasenda, Aksak Maboul… but I guess it’s the usual mix of stuff. I quite liked the Big Brave/The Body album.
September Music
(October 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in September. The release of the month is When I Hit You, You’ll Feel It by Leslie Winer, of course — it collects a bunch of her most magical songs in one place, but there’s also unreleased stuff! Whoho! Hm… anything else… looks like the usual mix of old stuff and older … Continue reading September Music
August Music
(September 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in August. Let’s see… what do we have here… Looks like the usual mix of new stuff and old stuff. Of particular note: Snapped Ankles is a great name for a band, right? The music’s fun, too — kinda giving me vibes of early Django Django? So it’s like modern post punk … Continue reading August Music
July Music
(August 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in July. I think this is the least amount of stuff I’ve bought in a one month period… probably ever? I’ve been busy (and listening to old music (i.e., from 2020)). But I did discover one thing that really made me feel… er… out of touch. That is, the Tiny Mix Tapes … Continue reading July Music
June Music
(July 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in June. Hm… anything special this month? Nope, just looks like the normal mixture of new stuff and old stuff. One album that stood out in particular was the new one by Mia Doi Todd: It’s very pretty. Hm… Oh, yeah, there’s also a handful of things I got for my Punk … Continue reading June Music
May Music
(June 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in May. I’ve got virtually no new music this week — I’ve been listening mostly to stuff I bought last year. So behind the times.
April Music
(May 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in April. What! It’s been another month? Time flies when… er… did I do anything at all this month? And I can’t really remember buying music according to some… idea… this month, either, so it’s just random stuff. Find of the month is Espen Reinertsen: I saw a live streaming thing of … Continue reading April Music
March Music
(March 31, 2021)Music I’ve bought in March. It occurred to me that Cabaret Voltaire had released a bunch of 12″ singles from their mid-80s period that I didn’t have. So I’ve fixed that this month. Other than that… it’s been a quiet month. Just the normal random selection of new and old stuff.
February Music
(February 28, 2021)Music I’ve bought in February. Let’s see… yes, it’s the usual mix of new and old stuff? Except that there’s a bunch of Mort Aux Vaches CDs in there… The discovery (because I’m slow on the uptake) of the month was this: The Sets & Lights album by Xeno & Oaklander. It’s so 1983! Even … Continue reading February Music
January Music
(February 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in January. *gasp* I just discovered that Mimi Goese released an album last year with Ben Neill! So I got it yesterday and have been playing it on repeat since. It’s really good! I’ve been a huge fan of Goese ever since her album Soak in the mid 90s: Unfortunately, she seems … Continue reading January Music
December Music
(January 1, 2021)Music I’ve bought in December. I rediscovered LTM Recordings this month, and placed such a large order that they thought I was running some kind of scam. LTM specialises in re-releasing music originally released by Factory Benelux, Les Disques du Crépuscule and related labels in the early 80s. So it’s totally in my wheelhouse, and … Continue reading December Music
November Music
(December 1, 2020)Music I’ve bought in November. Let’s see… I guess this month it’s just the usual mix of new and old stuff… Oh, yeah, I’ve been shopping a bunch of CDs from Häpna records from around 2000-2005 that I didn’t get at the time. And some albums from people connected to the band Tape, like Ass … Continue reading November Music
October Music
(October 31, 2020)Music I’ve bought in October. Oopsie! That was more… than… I should have? Let’s see… it’s not all old stuff, either? It’s a pretty good mix. So what are the most interesting ones? Er… as you can imagine, I haven’t really heard many of these a lot of times, so I don’t really know. But … Continue reading October Music
September Music
(October 1, 2020)Music I’ve bought in September. So what have we got here… oh yeah, I finished up buying all the Consolidated EPs I missed back then. And… Yup. It’s all old, old, old music. Except a couple new things. But! I did get one interesting thing: The 433 thing by Saito Koji. I was intrigued by … Continue reading September Music
August Music
(August 31, 2020)Music I’ve bought in August. This month I’ve bought some actual new music. Released this year and everything. I’m impressed by the Nihiloxica album… very fresh. Shirley Collins has a new album out! *gasp* So do the Residents, but… I don’t like it. It’s called Metal, Meat & Bone, and it’s a parody of murder … Continue reading August Music
July Music
(August 1, 2020)Music I’ve bought in July.
June Music
(June 30, 2020)Music I’ve bought in June. It’s a good mix of stuff… old and new. And new stuff from old favourites like Aksak Maboul: Hm. Well, there’s not actually that much new stuff from new people this month, is there? Last month we had Irreversible Intanglements and Yves Tumor, but this month we have a 1984 … Continue reading June Music
May Music
(May 31, 2020)Music I’ve bought in May. The albums I bought this month seems to be all over the place… new stuff, old stuff… and unusually enough, I haven’t actually listened to any of it, because I’ve been listening to old stuff. But I can recommend this one:
April Music
(April 30, 2020)Music I’ve bought in April. Oh my. That’s a lot of new music. How did that happen? Did I spend the entire month of April on my couch shopping? Yes, I did. The two main threads here are my continuing fascination with Ze Records. They were a late-70s/early-80s New York record company (very, very New … Continue reading April Music
March Music
(April 1, 2020)Music I’ve bought in March. After a very slow February, I pulled myself together and got buyin’. And not just new old music: But mostly. And, hey, a new single from Team Dresch!
February Music
(February 29, 2020)Music I’ve bought in February. *gasp* Virtually no new music! Well, it’s been a slow February.
January Music
(February 1, 2020)Music I’ve bought in January. There’s proportionally fewer Discogs finds this month, because I went through Norman Record’s Best Albums of 2019 list and picked up some stuff that seemed fun. Like black midi: Which, indeed, turns out to be very good. Well, OK, I also bought ‘ard Corr by Well ‘ard from Discogs, because … Continue reading January Music
December Music
(January 1, 2020)Music I’ve bought in December. Hm… not a very exciting month for new music, apparently. But I got a bunch of old stuff that I remembered needing, like Chrome Hoof:
November Music
(December 1, 2019)Music I’ve bought in November. I’ve been buying all the usual nonsense this month, but I’ve particularly been delving into the output of Broklyn Beats (yes, one O), a label that was active in the early noughts. They concentrated on what some people at the time called “brokebeat”: Harsh, annoying music you can’t dance to. … Continue reading November Music
October Music
(November 1, 2019)Music I’ve bought in October. I’ve been buying a lot of stuff this month, eh? It’s mostly along two lines in inquiry: Is everything Ze Records published in the late 70s/early 80s fun? The answer is yes, but not everything is good. But some is! The other is: There has to be more good music … Continue reading October Music
September Music
(October 2, 2019)Music I’ve bought in September. After some months of really trying to cut down on buying music, I just kinda gave up. LET THE FLOODGATES OPEN!
August Music
(September 1, 2019)Music I’ve bought in August. By the minuscule list below it kinda looks like I’ve finally managed to scale down the amount of music I’m buying… but it’s probably just because I went away on holidays. We’ll see!
July Music
(July 31, 2019)Music I’ve bought in July. And I went to Barcelona and saw a Joe Jackson concert (great) and went to Sónar (fun). I need to buy some stuff from some of the peeps I saw there… like… er… uhm… Oh, yes! Afrodeutsche was great. Very German. (You know, like To Rococo Rot and… Pole? Yeah.) … Continue reading July Music
June Music
(June 30, 2019)Music I’ve bought in June.
May Music
(June 1, 2019)Music I’ve bought in May. After restraining my music buying impulses for a very, very long time (a month or two?), I broke down in May and went on several shopping sprees. In particular, I’ve been buying Joe Jackson live albums and singles and stuff. I grew up with Beat Crazy, that wild and weird … Continue reading May Music
New Music
(April 30, 2019)Music I’ve bought this month. I finally managed to stop buying so many albums! On the other hand, I changed the posting date from the 12th to the 1st, there’s just 18 days in this month.
New Music
(April 11, 2019)Music I’ve bought this month. My plan to cut down on buying new music to give me more of a chance to actually listen to what I’m buying is showing results! Plot twist: I haven’t listened to any of these albums — I’m still trying to catch up with the stuff I’ve bought earlier. *sigh*
New Music
(March 12, 2019)Music I’ve bought this month. Last month I declared that I was going to cut back radically on how much music I’m buying (because I can’t listen to all this stuff), so this month I’m down to… er… thirtyseven releases… OK, quite a bit of that was albums trickling in that I’d ordered earlier, so … Continue reading New Music
New Music
(February 11, 2019)Music I’ve bought (or resampled) this month. I discovered a shelf of 12″ things this month: They were all items I’d bought in the early noughts before I started doing FLAC instead of MP3. So I had to resample them all, of course, even though I’ll probably never listen to many of them again… But … Continue reading New Music
New Music
(January 11, 2019)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(December 11, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(November 11, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(October 11, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(September 11, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month. After starting to sort the music I have by release date, I noticed that I have like absolutely no music from the 60s. So I’ve been trying to explore that slightly more (like with the absolutely wonderful Bobbie Gentry), but I’m not really sure what methodology to use. I mean, … Continue reading New Music
New Music
(August 12, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(July 12, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(June 15, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(May 12, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(April 17, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(March 11, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(February 12, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(January 11, 2018)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(December 11, 2017)Music I’ve bought this month. The end of the Grand Sampling (of bootleg and rare tapes from the 90s). It’s been fun revisiting the tapes, but it’s also nice that I can go back to listening to newer music again.
New Music
(November 20, 2017)Music I’ve bought this month. (Well, mostly recorded from old tapes.)
New Music
(October 11, 2017)Music I’ve bought or found this month. I’ve been rooting through boxes and boxes of old stuff. A seemingly unlimited supply of things to throw away. But one box was full of old tapes, a fair number of which are bootlegs and mixtapes of rarities I got in the mail in the 90s. I couldn’t … Continue reading New Music
New Music
(September 11, 2017)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(August 13, 2017)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(July 11, 2017)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(June 11, 2017)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(April 30, 2017)Music I’ve bought this month.
New Music
(April 5, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week. And that concludes The Great Resampling.
New Music
(March 29, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week.
New Music
(March 22, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week.
New Music
(March 15, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week.
New Music
(March 8, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week.
New Music
(March 1, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week.
New Music
(February 22, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week. I found the “box of not very interesting albums” in the basement (I think that must have been my criterion when sorting records into the box), but I’ve gotta resample them all. Plus some new stuff.
New Music
(February 15, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week.
New Music
(February 7, 2017)Music I’ve bought and/or resampled this week.