For each screen, I’m trying to vary things to see whether I can get the turnover time down. I’m kinda impatient.
This time, I put a fan into the “dark room” toilet where I’m drying the emulsion. The screens have to be dried horizontally to avoid the emulsion running, so I lifted it up a bit to ensure air flow on both sides.
I checked it after three-four hours, and it was totally tack-less, which is hours faster than without the fan.
While exposing, I forgot the time, and I exposed for 45 minutes instead of my 35 minute target. But everything worked pretty well, anyway.
However, working with the thinner black ink is proving somewhat challenging.
I printed this one with one stroke, and it’s too light here and there. So for the next one, I wanted to do a flood-fill first.
And that let too much ink through. Way too much. So I should do something … in the middle of those. Like, one, solid, slow stroke. Or something. And apply medium pressure.
Ok, here’s the third attempt:
Much better. But it’s not perfect. I’ve gotten some bleed-through to the left of the fringe. Perhaps I applied the emulsion too thinly? I did try to get it really even, so perhaps I removed too much…
Whoda thunk that screen printing would be so crafty?