What an odd film. It’s kinda nouvelle vague, but insane. Me like!
I suspect the RSPCA wasn’t present at the filming.
Paree, paree, paree…
Touki Bouki. Djibril Diop Mambéty. 1973. Senegal.
Bissap Shake
- 1 cup of dried hibiscus flowers
- 1 cup of sugar
- quarter cup of orange juice
- mint sprigs
- cucubmber slices
- vodka
Heat two cups of water to boiling temperature. Pull off heat and allow the hibiscus flowers to steep for ten minutes. Stir in the sugar, orange juice and mint sprigs. Strain into cointainer and chill.
Muddle cucumber slices in a glass, fill glass with ice, and add 50/50 bissap and vodka.
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