Comics Magazine Carousel

When I visit web sites, I often look for a date somewhere. That is, I want to know whether I’m looking at something that’s been dead for years, or that’s being actively maintained.

So I was reminded me that I hadn’t added that at all to, the site for comics research. So I was going to add one of those boring “last updated on” bla bla, but then I thought it might be more fun with one of those carousel things?

Now added.

And while I was futzing around with this yet again (even though I swore on everything that is unholy that I was going to take a break!), I also did a new audit. And:

Before: Look at all those missing issues!

After: Look at a bit fewer missing issues!

I wrote up some scripts to do semi-automatic searches for missing issues at various arr arr sites, which reminded me that I didn’t have a mechanism for keeping track of the “double issue” phenomenon. So that’s also taken care of:

#9-10 and #11-12 are really single issues, but that don’t bother the database no mo.

OK! Now I’m done! No more kwakking!

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