Half a year ago I started (re-)reading everything published by Epic Comics. Today, I finished.
It was an… it was an… isn’t there an expression for “big task”? I guess not. It was a big task. And stupid. Let’s not forget stupid — I never should have done it, but I did get to read some good comics along the way.
Hey! I read some comics the last month. Let's see what we have here... Ah yeah, Following Cerebus #12. I was buying Following Cerebus back when it was published, but there was a three year delay between #11 and #12, so I think this fell off of everybody's radar. Because…
Man, it's been a while since I did some comics readin', and look what's happened in the meantime: So. Many. New. Comics. Gotta get readin'. The reason for my lapse is twofold -- I've been tinkering with the search engine for magazines about comics extensively, but the main reason for…
I don't really have time for this, but I've started blogging about yet another 80s comics publisher: Epic Comics. Or rather "publisher": It's an imprint of Marvel Comics, but was initially running as a somewhat separate entity within the Marvel offices. Don't expect very frequent posts. Or at least not…