I’m Still Not Promising Myself A Rose Garden

It hasn’t really been warm enough this year to spend any time on the balcony, but I have been keeping an eye out for the roses I planted last summer, seeing how they were getting on.  Through the window.  Once in a while.

Being proud that they survived the winter.

Then the other day I went outside and took a closer look.

My, look how green and healthy thos…


They’re weed.  And not the funny kind.

So I set off weeding today.

 So sad.  Sad sad sad.

Off to the garden center to buy some new ones.  Since the Pink Fairies and Vikings I got last year weren’t hardy enought, I got a Moje Hammerberg and a Heidi Klum.  I’m assuming nothing is as hardy as Heidi Klum.

I kept the bit of the Viking that was still kinda alive.

The third rose I got last year is still actually kinda living.  And flowering.

Anyway, this is what Moje and Heidi will look like in only weeks!  Allegedly!

Gardening is so much drama.

London Review of Chocolate

I was in London the other week.

When in London, I always try to visit a snobby chocolate store.  The Brits make the best chocolate, for some reason or other.

My favourites are Artisan du Chocolat and Demarquette.  They make the most tasty box of chocolates ever.

But featured here in this photo feature we have the featured metallic pralines.  Just look at them!

Unfortunately, they weren’t very good.

But look at them!