
So, a couple months back I got a call from somebody who presented himself as a “location manager” for a Norwegian movie producer.

I know, but they exist.

He said they were looking for an apt. with a view, so they’d been scouting and thought that my apt. looked like a possible candidate.

I said “er, uhm”, like I do, so they came over and had a look.

A few looks more and then I’ve suddenly signed a contract.

They seem like nice people and probably won’t destroy my apt.  Probably.

So they’re using my apt. for 11 days (plus) in September to film this movie.  The bits about the blind woman, at least.

I was hoping that I’d find the time to do the Gmane SSD switcharoo and more Gnus stuff this autumn after work stuff calmed down.  But I’m probably going to go off on a holiday while they’re filming, so everything is postponed once more.

I have high hopes for October, though! 

Bitch whine bitch whine.

So much drama!

More Beer Blogging

I still haven’t finished with all the email, so I have to keep beering it up.

Eww!  One for the sink.
Golden-coloured beer with a big fresh fruity citrus nose and taste. Refreshing hoppy finish. Perfect for a Spring day.

Hm.  Why is the focus now to the left of the viewfinder?

Nice golden peachy color. Pours a small white head with large bubbles. Sweet hops and hints of apples nosewise. A hoppy flavour too.

I ran out of beer glasses.

Nose is very fresh hops, lots of C character and minor notes of amarillo. Taste is reasonably clean, caramel malts and citrus. Pretty big body on this one.

Wine glasses seem to hold liquid, too.

Nose is sour apricot, minerals and champagne vinegar. Medium light, a touch oily, with dull carb. Taste is white wine, horse blanket and lime.

Hm…   /tmp on just ran full…

Pale straw in color, this beer has a classic nose of cat’s pee accompanied by some iris notes. Light bodied, with good acidity for food, it delivers floral flavors.

I think I’ve done all the emails now.

I noticed that the bokeh of the beer seemed unusually nice when I was making some head shots of a guy.

 All done except the TV.

The rigid body shell and relatively stiff suspension mean that the beer behaves well.

 Bed time.

My New Beer Blog

I’ve decided that there aren’t enough beer blogs in the world, so I’m turning this one into one.

But as a special variation, I’m going to be beer blogging while I’m handling Gmane deletion requests.  Which I haven’t done for a couple of months.

This one is quite good.  Yum.

“i am a user who is seeing some kind of disk I/O error when attempting to use an SQLite3 database. “

This is kinda the same, only it tastes different.

” Could one of you please respond? I’m getting sleepless because of this problem as am getting a feeling that all my emails go unnoticed.”

This one is more dark and stuff.  Hm.  Dunno.

“Infocon notice: The following messages are also being flagged under threat level 2 in my affidavit and I have a request for you to remove them.”

Kinda eww.  It has a weird smoky aftertaste and an astringent taste.

“Hello, please don’t display my name ” in the threats. If there is not possible, i will logout of the mailing list.”

Eurmn…  nice.  Hoppy. 

“Failing to do so may bring about legal action against Gmane.”

Eau de Sewage.  Terrible.

“In light of Google’s newest algorithm change, I need to request that you remove every link to from your website.”

Fruity!  Sparkly!  Nice!

“We have received a report of phishing site hosted on  Domain “”/IP which is  under your control.”

Hoppy!  Hoppy!  Skippy!

“I would like all my posts sent from this email id to be permanently deleted as they are confidential in nature. Please do the needful and confirm.”


I’ve always bought more books than I can possibly read.

It’s under control, though.  Just a fraction more.  But it means that the section of the bookcase(s) that contain the unread books grows, slowly but inevitably.

That’s fine.

I put the books I read at the top of the bookcase, and the unread ones sort of have a sedimental journey towards the bottom.

So they remain sorted in the order I’ve purchased them, and the ones at the bottom become the ones I never look at, because I assume that they’re something that I’ve determined that I’ll never actually read.

So this “summer” (for some value of) and autumn I’m going to do a grand experiment: I’m going to read an older section.  I picked out at random this one shown on the right there. 

It’s all books bought in 1995, as far as I can tell from circumstantial evidence (copyright notices and the books around them).

And when I say “read”, I mean “try”.  I have no compunction about finishing books.  The second they start to bore me, I ditch them.  There are plenty of books in the world.

I’m going to hazard a guess that that light blue book over there to the right will be ditched toot sweet.  But time will show.