I Pity The Plants

I’ve got a couple of big sansevierias of different types, but they all have the same problem: About once a year, they send up these huge flower stems of, admittedly, not very impressive off-white flowers.

So what’s the problem? It’s that every night when it gets dark, they send out the richest, sweetest, most perfumed scent imaginable. It’s really like WHOA, to put it 90sishly. It’s worse than stepping into an elevator where a combined Perfume & Aftershave Abomination has taken place.

I find myself reluctant to cut them down, though, because the poor plants have spent so much energy on these things… not only the stem, flowers and the scent, but they literally drip with nectar. Very sticky nectar, too.

But tonight I came into the living room, I was literally stunned into submission, swooned, fell over, and literally choked and died, and I’m now dead.

So… begone, sweet-smelling flowers. I’m not gonna miss you.

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