Les Français peuvent aussi avoir l’âne numerique !?

A couple days ago, I found myself flabbergasted that not only was eMule still a thing, but that there’s a bunch of magazines about comics that are only available there. That was all magazines for speaking español, though, and I wondered whether there were communities like that for other languages.

So I did some thorough research, and the consensus seems to be that eMule is just a thing for some European languages… but there’s a French one!

Like with the Spanish scanning community, it’s organised as an old skool bulletin board, and it’s super duper organised. They like have a topic for each magazine, and people leave comments adding new ed2k: links, and then somebody edits the overview so that you can see what’s available now.

It’s perfect.

So to celebrate I put on this French made faux Picasso stripey shirt that I got in the mail today and got downloadin’.

There’s about 250 new mags added, and some of them are in the misc French mags category, but all the other French single mag categories have been fleshed out a lot, like

the Les Amis de Hergé that went from a smattering of issues to being almost complete.

Usage note: The stock aMule 2.3.3 version distributed with Debian is very slow. It stays in “On Queue” for way too long. So it takes forever to download anything. But I pulled down the development version from Microsoft Github, and that’s super duper fast — it saturated my downlink. The only drawback was that it crashes after a few minutes. But… 🤷

I guess emule software doesn’t get much love these days for obvious reasons.

I haven’t found an Italian eMule community, though… Anybody know whether that exists?

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