Miscellaneous Fanzines

To keep the number of separate titles down in the kwakk.info search engine, I’ve avoided adding (most) fanzines about comics that only had a couple of issues, or where I could only find a very small number of the issues.

But… why not stick them in a “misc” category? Why not indeed.


Yes, there’s also a category for miscellaneous promotional material, but it’s very sparsely populated at the moment.

Now I’m kicking myself for not saving the various smaller fanzines/mags I’ve encountered while searching for stuff over the last couple years…

While doing another spelunking through things at Anna’s Archive this morning, I’m finding some pretty surprising things. Like:

“It Magazine & Comics”!? From 1994!?

Unfortunately, whoever scanned it was only interested in the Gaiman interview. *pout*

And the Internet hasn’t heard of the magazine at all.

And I’ve been doing extensive searches for 90s comics magazines, including using All The AI, and Arena Magazine never came up. (The first two issues were called “Comics Arena”, even.) It looks kinda interesting and had almost two dozen issues?

I guess the 90s really are a lost decade… I mean, to computers. I betcha this magazine had a web site dedicated to it in, say, 1999, but it’d be long gone and forgotten by now.

Oh well.

2 thoughts on “Miscellaneous Fanzines”

  1. Love your Comics Dazes as they constantly provide recommendations for future books to read. A quick question: what was the best books you bought at OCE?

    1. Hm… probably the one by Tim Ng Tvedt, but it’s really abstract. The one by Hella Brandal was funny and looked good.

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