Even More Goshenite Tweaks

Remember a couple of days ago when I said that I had refreshed the Diamond/Lunar previews web site I’ve been doing for a few years? No?

But when I first start futzing around with a project, more and more little annoyances become clearer, and improvements present themselves, so I always end up sitting for days, just tweaking and tweaking… the code! Dude! I’m tweaking the code!

So there’s now phrase search “like this”, and backwards search, and highlighting the search hits. And you can now filter on unnumbered books. And many CSS tweaks to make things really stay put — the idea is, after all, that nothing should move on the page as you advance through the catalogue, so that you can scan things fast without hunting for things with your eyes on the page.

Oh, and I grew tired of the monochrome background, so I er appropriated some art from the all time favourite fine art artist among cartoonists. Guess who!

The mobile version is basically the same as the desktop version (but with things rearranged), so these improvements are there, too.

goshenite.info is the address in any case.

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