Baffled Pizza

Take your backpacks off!

There’s a pizzeria just down the street here that almost always has a long queue outside.  Pizzeria da Baffetto. Naturally, if there’s a long line, I want to be there, too.  Or perhaps not.  But I was thinking that that might be the reason that all these people were standing out in these rather cold Rome February evenings when there are oodles of perfectly fine pizza to be had virtually everywhere.

The self-perpetuating queue model.

Anyway, I Googled the place, and it’s apparently “the most reviewed restaurant in Italy”, according to my guide book.  It didn’t mention what the reviews actually say.

The second review on Google Reviews says I could find this place, and gives it one star.

More forthcoming are reviews like this:

Unacceptable behaviour. If you go there be prepared to very rude staff. It’s not about the typical roman style that makes many places so unusually attractive. No, they are just rude in a way that makes going there an annoying, embarassing experience.

So it’s not the typical Roman style of rudeness we all love (but I haven’t actually noticed), but a special form of unattractive rudeness.

The unique “no backpacks” sign shown in the picture above is apparently no joke, either:

Those with backpacks had them ripped off their backs

I think that’s an eminently sensible policy.  You shouldn’t wear backpacks indoors.  Or outdoors.

The American reviews are often unintentionally hilarious:

I’m from brooklyn so i didn’t have high expectations to begin with but this did not live up to the hype at all! the pizza! the pizza is very thin and the sauce does not compensate

I’m guessing this Brooklynite may also have been dismayed that he was expected to eat the pizza with a knife and fork.  It’s provincialism at its most amusing.

I still haven’t dared visit the place, though.  Too much drama.

January 20th, 2012

The magical key!

Dear Diary,

today the IOPS-unlocking FastPath key arrived for the LSI MegaRAID 9265-8i card arrivied!  I was so excited, until I opened the box an found what’s basically something that short-circuits two headers on the RAID card.

What a rip-off.  It probably disables some sleep(1) calls in the firmware on the card.

Anyway, I plugged it in, and did the benchmarks, and I got…  absolutely no (zero, zip) difference.  No difference whatsoever.  Zilch.  Nada.

So I googled around a bit, and found someone who claimed that the RAID card should be configured as write-through, no read-ahead, direct I/O to make the FastPath stuff be all awesome and stuff.

I did that.  Annoyingly enough, there seems to be no way to just flip those settings without rebuilding the RAID, so testing takes a while.

And benchmarking afterwards shows that…  throughput drops to one fifth of the standard settings, and random reads of files is absolutely no faster.

I have no more time for benchmarking, since I have to go to Rome.  Diary, I’ll continue fiddling with the RAID card when I get back.

But the strangest thing has happened.  I was looking through some of the previous pages in my secret diary, and I found that somebody else has been making comments!  How is that possible!?  Are other people able to read my diary?  Is Google betraying my secrets to the world?

Anyway, the comment said that I should perhaps just use the SATA 2.0 connectors on the motherboard to see what IOPS I get without using the MegaRAID card.  That makes tons of sense, because I don’t know whether the lack-lustre random read performance I’m getting is because of the disks or the RAID card.

I’ll do that when I get back in about four weeks. 

And I’ll see whether I can secure my diary further somehow.