rbl.maps.vix.com finally gone awol?

According to this, vix.com shut down the service in 2007.  Now vix.com redirects to domainnamesales, which I assume aren’t nice people.

The reason I noticed is this:

I tried to submit something to freedb.org, and it bounced because of maps.vix.com.  So perhaps somebody … not very nice … finally decided to start answering in the affirmative to all requests?

In which case: Nicely played, scammers.  This is probably going to drive a lot of traffic to your site while people are trying to figure out what’s going on.


As usual, I was more delayed than warranted with the No Gnus t-shirts. But today! It’s packing time.

Carrying the shirts up to the fourth floor was kinda invigorating.  I.e., woe is me.

Using magical Japanese folding techniques…

Quality entertainment.  (Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2, which I bought because Joss Whedon said they were great on the Cabin in the Woods commentary track.  They weren’t.)

But alcohol helps!

My view for a few hours…

Stacks are a-toppling.

Our model is here sporting the new style while looking very pensive.  Possibly spotting something on the ceiling?

The complicated back shot. Must have been strenuous, what with the mouth breathing?

Anyway, they should be off tomorrow!  If I can get up in time.


Ick pt II

In the previous part of this series, we learned that a couple of plants had been invaded by white dust, which is probably a fungus.  Of some kind.

I threw out the main offender, cleaned the area, sprayed anti-fungal stuff on the other plants nearby, and scrubbed down like in one of those horror movies.

I continued treating the affected plants religiously, day by day, wiping fungus and spraying Atamon. Or, to be more precise, and perhaps slightly more truthful, I kinda forgot (or suppressed; my False Memory Regression Therapist might help me with that one) the entire issue, and weeks (months?) kinda passed by.

So the other day I had a look at the remaining plants in that window:

Eek!  Infested!  And the plant looks like it’s collapsing:

It used to be all healthy and stuff.

I’ve now thrown that one out, too, and scrubbed down again.

No more new plants until this is under control!  I mean, except for these I just bought:

That’s a … er … let’s see.  I’m gonna guess aloe, crassula and the last one is, of course, some kind of sansevieria.
