I’m still not doing registered multi-prints, because that’s like hard and stuff, but there are other ways to do colour.
OK, that’s cheating. But how about this?
Of course, the problem with just squishing lots of colours down on the screen and squeegeeing is that you can’t do two strokes, so the colours get a bit see-through. But I’ll wear it anyway.
Time for some new images, though. I need to buy more silk tomorrow…
For each screen, I’m trying to vary things to see whether I can get the turnover time down. I’m kinda impatient.
This time, I put a fan into the “dark room” toilet where I’m drying the emulsion. The screens have to be dried horizontally to avoid the emulsion running, so I lifted it up a bit to ensure air flow on both sides.
State-of-the-art darkish toilet room
I checked it after three-four hours, and it was totally tack-less, which is hours faster than without the fan.
Drawing by Frank King
While exposing, I forgot the time, and I exposed for 45 minutes instead of my 35 minute target. But everything worked pretty well, anyway.
However, working with the thinner black ink is proving somewhat challenging.
I printed this one with one stroke, and it’s too light here and there. So for the next one, I wanted to do a flood-fill first.
And that let too much ink through. Way too much. So I should do something … in the middle of those. Like, one, solid, slow stroke. Or something. And apply medium pressure.
Ok, here’s the third attempt:
Much better. But it’s not perfect. I’ve gotten some bleed-through to the left of the fringe. Perhaps I applied the emulsion too thinly? I did try to get it really even, so perhaps I removed too much…
Whoda thunk that screen printing would be so crafty?
I’ve only printed onto black shirts so far. And now I’m out, so I’m doing a white shirt.
I’m using a new can of emulsion, and that clears up all the problems I was having with peeling.
The main difference between printing on lighter fabrics (as opposed to black fabrics) is that you have to print out your transparencies as “positives” instead of “negatives”. On black fabrics you’re printing the white bits, while on a white fabric you’re printing the black bits.
Positive for printing on light fabric to the left, negative for printing on black fabric to the right
The black ink is a lot more viscous than the inks I’ve been using on black fabrics:
So I pushed through too much ink. I should have used a single pass, I think. The black ink covers a lot better than the other inks.
Drawring by Lynda Barry
I then tried printing with a green ink. It had the same consistency as the black ink, so I just did one pass, and I didn’t flood-fill the screen first:
Even though the screen printing is going swimmingly, I thought it might be fun to try a transfer thingie again. But this time in A3 instead of A4.
I googled a bit, and a store strangely called yolö seemed like a likely supplier. So I got a 25-pack of transfers, and printed out an image.
These work pretty much like the ones I tried earlier. You print out into a plastic substrate that you then separate from the paper backing, and then you melt the plastics onto the fabric.
Peeling these are easier said than done. No matter how I tried to separate the plastics from the paper with my nails, I only managed to tear the paper.
yolo transfer paper tearing
Finally I got out an X-Acto knife and managed to wedge it between the plastic and the paper. And then it was easy to tear it off and iron it onto the shirt.
Mark Beyer
It’s survived a washing, too, so it seems pretty swell. But they really should have used higher-quality backing paper to make it easier to handle.
I don’t really have the set-up to do multi-coloured prints where things are in perfect register.
But I thought that since this screen had clearly separated areas, then I could just mask stuff off, and print each thing separately (or “separately”) with different inks.
Here’s the original Gary Panter cover nailed to the kitchen wallMasking off the logo and the tag line. I’m masking with a normal packing tape on the “non-well” side of the screen.Printing the face in whiteThen mask off the faceThen I put the ink down under each letterI used a single squeegee for all the three colours in the logo, which turned out to be awkward, because I usually flip the squeegee over after the “flood fill” pass. Which is obviously impossible here.Result!
The colours in the logo aren’t printed perfectly, because of the aforementioned flip problem, so I didn’t get a sufficient amount of ink through the screen. But I’m gonna call this a success, anyway. Hah!