Total Eclipse Moves

My old blog about Eclipse Comics used to be hosted by, but after the recent Jetpack Stats changes, I’ve moved it to self-hosting so that I can get nice stats again.

So this is just a heads up that if you used to go to, it’s now hosted on All the old URLs are still valid, but redirect to the new domain for the time being (and probably for several years to come), but will go away eventually, I guess. Let me know if there are any problems.

3 thoughts on “Total Eclipse Moves”

  1. Ok, the links and the pages they go to still work fine but most of the images from the last two sections of the main page (about 1990 on) don’t show up. More of a cosmetic issue but just so you know.

    1. Thanks for letting me know — it seems like the problem is that those images are no longer scaled down, but are original size, so the front page is gigantic and will stop loading in some browsers.

      I’ll fix it so that it uses scaled-down pics.

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