Summer Workwear

When being handy around the house, I prefer using professional workwear, because they have straps to hand the hammer off of, and lots of pockets for tools and screws and stuff.

And now it’s summer, so I went to buy some shorts.

IMG_5343See?  Super practical.

But at the Blåkläder store they also had workwear kilts.


So I had to buy one.


So it’s a rather long strip of cloth that wraps around you once and a half.

IMG_5352 IMG_5351

Hm…  It’s different…

It’s rather a lot cloth, so it’s kinda warmer than you’d think.  Even when worn traditionally.

So I’m not sure whether this is super practical. I’ll give it a try the next time I have to fix something.

Indoors, where it’s not windy.


CM&C Redux

Hey, that didn’t take long at all.

Gaffa is the force that holds the universe together
Special Effects

What I’ve learned from watching 100 movies and making 100+ cocktails is: 1) There are a lot of bad cocktail recipes out there.  2) New movies suck. 3) The WordPress spell checker doesn’t think that “movie” is a word.

But I swore to never use the word “film”.  Just to annoy people.


My selection turned out to be a bit Now That’s What I Call Quite Early 90s Film Club, which is kinda natural, since that’s where I left off.  I tried getting a bit more current by buying dvds3a few handfuls of movies that had won Sundance awards during recent years, but most of them turned out to be lower-ish budget Hollywood-like schmaltz like Beasts of the Southern Wild.  They look kinda indie and interesting, but are excruciatingly boring to watch.

I mean, I do have patience with “boring” stuff as long as it’s good.  (For instance India Song or  Blue.) But when my bullshit detector goes off, I get cranky.

And I have little in the current crop of European art movies, like Antichrist or Irreversible.  And I loathe Haneke.  Basically crappy and dehumanising movies that have delusions of relevancy.  While probably functioning like the R&D division for commercial movies.


I’ve tried scoring the movies based on whether they’re good or not, and not whether I like them.  I do have great taste, though, so these are correlated, of course.  I sometimes like bad movies a lot, and (somewhat less often) I hate some good movies.

Here’s the complete list.  1 star means “awful”, 2 “bad”, 3 “not good, but watcheable”, 4 “not bad, but misseable”, 5 “good”, 6 “fantastic”.

★★★★☆☆1978JubileeDerek Jarman
★★★★★☆1972SolarisAndrei Tarkovsky
★★★★☆☆1981The Pee-Wee Herman ShowMarty Callner
★★☆☆☆☆2009District 9Neill Blomkamp
★★★★★☆1947Black NarcissusMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
★☆☆☆☆☆2005Batman BeginsChristopher Nolan
★★★★★☆1938Bringing Up BabyHoward Hawks
★★★★★★1964Bande à partJean-Luc Godard
★★★☆☆☆2008The Dark KnightChristopher Nolan
★★★★★★1996Nénette et BoniClaire Denis
★★☆☆☆☆2012Beasts of the Southern WildBenh Zeitlin
★★☆☆☆☆2005Red EyeWes Craven
★★★★☆☆2005Me and You and Everyone We KnowMiranda July
★★★★★★1963Federico Fellini
★★★★☆☆2004PalindromesTodd Solondz
★★★☆☆☆2010Tron: LegacyJoseph Kosinski
★★★☆☆☆1968Rachel, RachelPaul Newman
★★☆☆☆☆2008Be Kind RewindMichel Gondry
★★★★★☆2009ΚυνόδονταςYorgos Lanthimos
★★☆☆☆☆2011Like CrazyDrake Doremus
★★★★★☆1959Hiroshima, mon amourAlain Resnais
★★★★★☆2004Mean GirlsMark Waters
★★★★★★2012The Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyPeter Jackson
★★☆☆☆☆1980Rude BoyJack Hazan, David Mingay
★★★★★☆2009The Limits of ControlJim Jarmusch
★★★★★★1975India SongMarguerite Duras
★★★☆☆☆2010L A ZombieBruce LaBruce
★★★☆☆☆2013ElysiumNeill Blomkamp
★★★★★☆2013I’m So ExcitedPedro Almodovar
★★☆☆☆☆2007SuperbadGreg Mottola
★★★★★☆1993BlueDerek Jarman
★★★★☆☆2009Transformers: Revenge of the FallenMichael Bay
★★★☆☆☆1930Menschen am SonntagKurt Siodmak, Robert Siodmak, Edgar G Ulmer, Fred Zinnemann & Rochus Gliese
★★★☆☆☆1996Bottle RocketWes Anderson
★★★★★☆1937Shall We DanceMark Sandrich
★★★★★☆2000In The Mood For LoveKar Wai Wong
★★★★★☆1988ChocolatClaire Denis
★★★★★☆2010Winter’s BoneDebra Granik
★★★★☆☆1963Shock CorridorSamuel Fuller
★★★★★☆1945Brief EncounterDavid Lean
★★★☆☆☆2011Scream 4Wes Craven
★★★★★★1979WoyzeckWerner Herzog
★☆☆☆☆☆2013Pacific RimGuillermo del Toro
★★★★★★2007Paranoid ParkGus van Sant
★★★★★★1983L’ArgentRobert Bresson
★★★★☆☆2007Eastern PromisesDavid Cronenberg
★★★☆☆☆2005New York DollGreg Whiteley
★★★☆☆☆1985SubwayLuc Besson
★★★★★☆1980Berlin AlexanderplatzRainer Werner Fassbinder
★★★☆☆☆2002SolarisSteven Soderbergh
★★★★☆☆2002The Rules of AttractionRoger Avary
★★★☆☆☆1971Two-Lane BlacktopMonte Hellman
★★☆☆☆☆1934Of Human BondageJohn Cromwell
★★★★☆☆2013The Hobbit: The Desolation of SmaugPeter Jackson
★★★★★★1965Pierrot le fouJean-Luc Godard
★★★☆☆☆2002Resident EvilPaul W S Anderson
★★★★☆☆2005The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the GalaxyGarth Jennings
★★★★★☆1953Tokyo StoryYasujirô Ozu
★★★☆☆☆20042046Kar Wai Wong
★★★☆☆☆1999JawbreakerDarren Stein
★★★★★★2006Inland EmpireDavid Lynch
★★★★★☆1990Cry-BabyJohn Waters
★☆☆☆☆☆1970HusbandsJohn Cassavetes
★★★★★☆2012Hunger GamesGary Ross
★★★★★☆2010Sound of NoiseOla Simonsson, Johannes Stjärne Nilsson
★★★☆☆☆1993Three Colours: BlueKrzysztof Kieslowski
★★★★☆☆1930Animal CrackersVictor Heerman
★★★★★☆2004Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindMichel Gondry
★★☆☆☆☆2008The Day The Earth Stood StillScott Derrickson
★★★★☆☆2011Midnight in ParisWoody Allen
★★★★★☆1981Death in VeniceTony Palmer
★★★★☆☆1943Destination TokyoDelmer Daves
★★★★★☆1987Out of RosenheimPercy Adlon
★★★☆☆☆1977The Serpent’s EggIngmar Bergman
★★★☆☆☆1995The Flower of My SecretPedro Almodóvar
★★★★☆☆1992Simple MenHal Hartley
★★★★☆☆1988HeathersMichael Lehmann
★★★★★☆2013G B FDarren Stein
★★★★☆☆1994Prêt-à-PorterRobert Altman
★★★★☆☆2013GravityAlfonso Cuarón
★★★★★☆1935Top HatMark Sandrich
★★★★★☆2009White MaterialClaire Denis
★★☆☆☆☆2012Promised LandGus Van Sant
★★★★☆☆2008AdorationAtom Egoyan
★★★☆☆☆2010You AgainAndy Fickman
★★★★★☆1960BreathlessJean-Luc Godard
★★★☆☆☆2013The Hunger Games: Catching FireFrancis Lawrence
★★★★☆☆2011LimelightBilly Corben
★★★★★★1948Bicycle ThievesVittorio De Sica
★★★★☆☆1973Day For NightFrançois Truffaut
★★★★★☆1942To Be Or Not To BeErnst Lubitsch
★★☆☆☆☆2013CBGBRandall Miller
★★★☆☆☆1936Theodora Goes WildRichard Boleslawski
★★★★☆☆1939The Rules of the GameJean Renoir
★★★☆☆☆2009Inglorious BasterdsQuentin Tarantino
★★★☆☆☆2005A History of ViolenceDavid Cronenberg
★★★☆☆☆2010Blue ValentineDerek Cianfrance
★★★★☆☆2006Small Town Gay BarMalcolm Ingram
★★★★☆☆1940Foreign CorrespondentAlfred Hitchcock
★★★★☆☆1948The Red ShoesMichael Powell, Emeric Pressburger

I started CM&C partially because I had too many unseen DVDs on the shelves. After finishing it, I have more unseen movies than I started with.


And I have way more booze in the cupboard than anybody should have.

I peeked at imdb scores for the films I was watching, and it seems like virtually all movies get a rating between 6.5 and 7.5.  The only exceptions are truly awful ones, that get 5.7-6.3, and totally horrible fan service ones that get a rating of 8.0-8.5.  Any newer movie with a rating over 7.5 is almost certainly execrable.

Hm…  perhaps I should do a correlation matrix between my ratings and imdb ratings…  but that seems like work.

And now I never have to watch another movie again in my life! Whoho! I have my life back!

Monitor losing HDMI connection whenever xscreensaver runs: It’s a thing

After upgrading my TV machine (the old one wasn’t powerful enough to play BluRay media), whenever xscreensaver runs, the TV would claim to have no inputs.

IMG_5331I know.

After trying various things, I started looking at the DPMS stuff, because that’s, like, power handling and seemed like something that might be relevant.  Perhaps Linux/xorg/whatever turns HDMI output off when we get into “power saving” mode?  And doesn’t know how to switch HDMI on again?  Intel Xorg things are often kinda funky:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200
 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)

So DPMS seemed like a likely guess.  However, I already had the following in my .Xscreensaver file:

dpmsEnabled: False

So what could it be?  Reading through the documentation, it seems like xscreensaver has gotten a new option called dpmsQuickOff.  (Makes total sense that if you have DPMS disabled, then “quick DPMS” would still be enabled, right?)

I disabled that in my  ~/.xscreensaver file, which made older xscreensavers on the other machines start complaining about an unrecognized option.  (Yes, I use nfs.)

Instead I put the following in the .Xdefaults file on the TV machine:

xscreensaver.dpmsQuickOff: False

And everything works perfectly.

If somebody had written this on the Internet somewhere, I would have been spared minutes and minutes of work.  So here you are, Next Person With Obscure Linux Intel Xorg Xscreensaver Blank Screen/Disconnect Problem.

CM&C:XCIX Foreign Correspondent

Foreign Correspondent. Alfred Hitchcock. 1940. ★★★★☆☆

I think I’ve seen most of Hitchcock’s post WWII movies, but very few of the earlier ones. I had forgotten I had bought a couple of box sets of the early ones, but I found them today. Just in time for the penultimate CM&C.

But it was a bit disappointing. It has lots of nice technical stuff going on, but the tension collapses all the time. Hitchcock reused some of the plot elements to great effect in the 50s.

Frozen Banana Daquiri: 😃