The Sony NWZ-W273 Walkman Isn’t Very Well Made

I bought a new Walkman the other week.  I was quite impressed, and I remained impressed IMG_5443until I started to use them.

After wearing them for half an hour, the volume in the right speaker dropped down to almost nothing.  It kinda varies, but it’s very very low.

I binged, and apparently this happens a lot.  The recommended solution is to either get Sony to give you a new device, or to reset the device, so I did the latter.

And then it wouldn’t start up at all.  It gave four “lower” beeps, and then one “high” beep, and then it switched itself off.  I think that “high” beep is the “error beep”.

After fiddling around with it for a bit, I thought that perhaps it would help if I removed the songs from it, and I did.  It would now boot and play stuff.

But the right speaker is still dead.

Geez, Sony.

Couture: Dye Once

Even though the screen wasn’t exposed well, I thought I could make an attempt to print something, just to see how that goes.

IMG_5439I put a backing board into the shirt to have firm to print onto.  And then I put the shirt onto a frame to raise it from the floor, because I’m printing the screen from the wrong side, since I exposed the wrong side.  Genius.

IMG_5440The ink is a lot firmer than I thought it would be.  It just a glob of … stuff.  I start wiping the squeegee all over the screen anyway.

IMG_5441Disaster.  I pressed the paint through unevenly, and I think the backing board (in addition) wasn’t solid enough, so they kinda fade away.

IMG_5442Oh, well.  Time to wash the screen and the squeegee.  The paint is water soluble, fortunately, so that’s easy enough.

I think I’ll give this screen one more try, but squeegee things just once with a more even coat and see how that goes.  But I think I have to make a new screen to get better results.


Couture: Exposure

Despite not having the proper light, I’m attempting to do some screen printing.  I have to practice, right?

IMG_5419 IMG_5417

So dissolve the sensitiser and pour it into the emulsion.  It turns green!

IMG_5421Squeegee the emulsion onto the staple side of the screen in a dark-ish room, and let it dry for three hours in a very dark room.

IMG_5433Then put a transparent film positive onto the staple side and wait for an hour, since I have a 100W bulb, which is really too wimpy.  People on the interwebs says that the emulsion turns either blue or a darker green when exposed, but it definitely remains green.  It turns a slightly more dark shade of green, but it’s subtle.

IMG_5430Eurhm…  when I’m printing the shirts, I’m supposed to flip the screen over, so won’t that make these prints mirror images?

YES!  THEY WILL!  D’oh.  I’m supposed to either expose the other side of the screen or flip the transparencies over.  People on the web seem to disagree on the preferred method.  In any case, they way I did it is just wrong.

IMG_5436After an hour, I take the screen into the shower and blast it with cold water on both sides.  As if by magic, lots of the unexposed areas are washed away, leaving a white silk.  Seems to work well on the logo (which was furthest from the lamp), but the bits that were closest to the lamp seem over-exposed and won’t wash away.

In any case, since these are wrongly flipped, I can’t print them anyway…  Or can I? Can I print using the wrong side of the screen?  Worth a try before I wipe the screen, perhaps…


Couture: Ironing

While waiting for the screen to dry, I remembered that I had bought some iron-on transfers when I bought the printer, so I printed out a Gary Panter image on one of them.

IMG_5424I had bought transfers for white fabric (instead of black fabric) by accident, so I got out an old white t-shirt.


IMG_5426It actually kinda works.

IMG_5427But the colours aren’t very vibrant, and the black is kinda gray-ish…

After printing out the transfer, it seems like it starts fading…  How about if I prep everything and then do the transfer immediately?

IMG_5428Nopes.  Still kinda washed-out.  And there’s a kinda of transparent residue where there’s “white”, which is kinda off-putting.

Oh, well.  I didn’t expect these to look as good as they do, so…



Couture: Supplies

I went to an art supplies store and got screen printing supplies.  Very nice shop.

The thing I’m missing now is 1) better transparencies and or a better printer and 2) a light source to do the exposure of the photo emulsion.

IMG_5413I’ve ordered some “digital negative” transparencies from the interwebs, so I’ll have to wait for those. But meanwhile, I bought some OHP transparencies from the Panduro hobby store just to see what would happen:

IMG_5415These are supposedly “laser/inkjet” transparencies, but they come out of the printer dripping wet and curled up.  Not very promising, but the black is very black, so perhaps it’s possible to use these if I’m super-careful about letting them dry for half an hour before touching them…

For the light source, I need something like a 150-250W incandescent light source.  So I went to a photo store and told them about my project, and they said that nothing they had seemed usable because of “colour correctness” or stuff.

Which seems odd.  A 250W incandescent lamp is a 250W incandescent lamp, isn’t it?  Anyway, I’ve just ordered some 150W bulbs off of the net, and I’ll use a desk lamp, and see how that works…