I bought a new Walkman the other week. I was quite impressed, and I remained impressed until I started to use them.
After wearing them for half an hour, the volume in the right speaker dropped down to almost nothing. It kinda varies, but it’s very very low.
I binged, and apparently this happens a lot. The recommended solution is to either get Sony to give you a new device, or to reset the device, so I did the latter.
And then it wouldn’t start up at all. It gave four “lower” beeps, and then one “high” beep, and then it switched itself off. I think that “high” beep is the “error beep”.
After fiddling around with it for a bit, I thought that perhaps it would help if I removed the songs from it, and I did. It would now boot and play stuff.
But the right speaker is still dead.
Geez, Sony.