My New Fashion Designer Blog

I like making t-shirts (i.e., having professionals screenprint them), but it would be fun making some one-offs, too.  And learning how to do screen printing is kinda a project.

Then somebody linked to Inkodye, and it seemed almost perfect.  The process is simple: You apply the ink to the t-shirt and mask off the bits you don’t want to have ink on.  Then you put the shirt in the sun for 20 minutes, and wash off the unexposed ink.

I got the supplies yesterday, and, of course, I didn’t have any transparencies to print anything on today.  And there’s apparently no sun here for the next week, so I used gaffa tape instead of using a transparency.  And I used a black t-shirt.  All the instructions use a white fabric, but I want to see what it looks like on a black t-shirt.

A Roll-On Thingie

That means that the design is perhaps, er, a bit simplistic.  But it’s only a trial run! Er.  It kinda looks like a Norwegian flag from that angle.  But it’s not.

The ink smells a bit of ammonia, but it’s not too bad.

Hanging out on the balcony, developing.  Gaffa saves everything.

Ok, it’s not that sunny.  Better leave it out for 40 minutes.

Time passes.

Hm.  The ink isn’t looking any bluer on the black shirt.  Perhaps I should test on a white shirt?

Even simpler design.

Gaffa it up on the balcony.

The ants are my friends.  They’re blowing in the wind.

Hm…  not looking all that blue on the white t-shirt, either.

The snacks I’m eating are tasty kinda fishy.

So that’s the result on the black shirt.  A kinda dirty splotch.

Oh.  Perhaps I should have read the ninth FAQ:

“Because it is a dye, it does not coat the fabrics like a paint would. It actually become part of the fiber, and therefore will not add color to a black or dark-colored material.”

But  the white shirt looks nice. A very deep, rich blue.

Oh, well.  I’ll just have to learn how to do screen printing. finally gone awol?

According to this, shut down the service in 2007.  Now redirects to domainnamesales, which I assume aren’t nice people.

The reason I noticed is this:

I tried to submit something to, and it bounced because of  So perhaps somebody … not very nice … finally decided to start answering in the affirmative to all requests?

In which case: Nicely played, scammers.  This is probably going to drive a lot of traffic to your site while people are trying to figure out what’s going on.


As usual, I was more delayed than warranted with the No Gnus t-shirts. But today! It’s packing time.

Carrying the shirts up to the fourth floor was kinda invigorating.  I.e., woe is me.

Using magical Japanese folding techniques…

Quality entertainment.  (Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2, which I bought because Joss Whedon said they were great on the Cabin in the Woods commentary track.  They weren’t.)

But alcohol helps!

My view for a few hours…

Stacks are a-toppling.

Our model is here sporting the new style while looking very pensive.  Possibly spotting something on the ceiling?

The complicated back shot. Must have been strenuous, what with the mouth breathing?

Anyway, they should be off tomorrow!  If I can get up in time.
