I’ve been a bit under the weather the past few days, but today I finally made my way to the post office and collected various packages. Among these was a package from a store I had ordered a bunch of LED lighting strips for the kitchen.
Included was this pink mystery USB object, not mentioned on the invoice. It says “Haweel” at one end and it’s bendy:
I haven’t dared plug it into a computer yet.
Apparently it is [a reading light](http://www.haweel.com/view/3122847/HAWEEL%20Mini%20Portable%20USB%20LED%20Flexible%20Eye-protection%20Light%20for%20PC%20%20%20Laptops%20%20%20Power%20Bank%20Green%20.htm).
Oops, messed up the formatting…
… that’s what they WANT you to think it is!
*paranoia increases*
A USB reading light (in case your question was not rethorical). For those poor sods who don’t have backlit keyboards, and can’t find the keys in the dark. Super useful!
Also a life saver whenever you’re trying to find, say, a keyhole in darkness, and have mislaid your phone and other potential light sources, but happen to have this gizmo in your pocket, along with a USB power bank to charge the phone you don’t carry at the moment.
Aha! *plugs it in* It’s a light! I doesn’t show up as an USB device at all on the computer, so I guess it just sips USB power…
Yeah. And of course DMA-ing your secrets out from under you without telling the OS.