Charlton Extravaganza On The Comics Re/Search Engine

As I nattered on about yesterday, I was going to have a look around for more magazines/fanzines about comics, and I stumbled upon not one, but two Charlton fanzines: One from the 70s (Charlton Bullseye) and one more recent (Charlton Spotlight). So I’ve indexed them, and put them both on, available for searching.

And while I was at it, I also found a few more issues of the CBG, one of which has the cover above. Print it out and use it as a dartboard!

And and and speaking of dartboards, I remembered that WAP: Words & Pictures was a thing, and luckily Tom Brevoort has put all the issues up at his web site. It’s not a magazine about comics per se, but it’s an interesting artefact of its time, so I’ve made it searchable here.

Oh, and I also added a button to the pages to list exactly which issues are indexed:

*crosses fingers*

And while I was tinkering with this stuff, I added a way to search a group of magazines. I mean, there’s already a way to exclude magazines that you don’t want to search, but there’s so many magazines included now that that’s rather a chore. So you can now say,CSP to search both of Charlton Bullseye and Charlton Spotlight at the same time (and no other magazines).

I should add a user interface for that, because people don’t really like editing URLs manually (BUT WHY *sob*), but I don’t really know where that would fit into the interface… Hm…

*visualising* *visualising*

I think… I may… have to add another button! *gasp* I’m a genius!

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