TBE1994: Atomic City Tales

Atomic City Tales (1994) #1-3,
Atomic City Special (1995) #1 by Jay Stephens

Oops! I messed up. I have to copies of Atomic City Special #1, but no copies of Atomic City Comics #1. So this blog series is going to be less than complete, but I’m not fixing that, because I already covered this material over on the Kitchen Sink blog.

So there.

Instead let’s have a look at the three issues I do have.

From the sounds of the editorial, it seems like people have been going “we liked your earlier, funnier stuff better” at Stephens? And I can indeed understand people being disappointed at not getting more comics in the vein of the original Sin series, because that thing was a lot of fun.

This series concentrates on the super-hero parody/pastiche/whatever that Stephens had started in Sin Comics, so it’s a lot more straight forward. But when I say “concentrates”, that’s not really saying all that much when it comics to Stephens: We’re still talking basically stream of consciousness plotting.

Which I’m a fan of — I like gags, and Stephens puts a lot of them in here, too — but it’s also frustrating, because when Stephens drops in these scenes of “serious plotting”, you already know that it’s not going to go anywhere.

(Is that woman up there inspired by Kim Deitch, by any chance?)

It’s loopy and it’s fun, and it’s less Flaming Carrot than it used to be? Now it’s more Zippy.

It’s also fun to just look at Stephens’ artwork — I mean, he was always good, but he’s getting more and more stylish. That’s a nice spread to just contemplate. Some of those panels are giving early Jamie Hernandez.

Yeah, the letters pages are all “godd, but Sin? that’s was great” vibes.

Heh, that’s a good nightmarish sequence.

And the storyline (as you might kinda call it) sort of wraps up in the third issue, but not in a very… intentional way? These are the last two pages. So it’s hard to say whether Stephens knew that this was the end of the series or not.

Because the issue mentions the Special:

And the special reprints the two chapters that appeared in Sputnik magazine.

But adds a final third chapter to wrap up the story, so that’s nice.

I have to say that I liked reading these comics better than I liked reading the collection, for some reason or other. In the collection the aimlessness was more of a problem than here, somehow.

Wizard Magazine #37, page #118:

NOt many comic creators take chances like Jay Stephens. After finally finding
a comfortable home for the “anything goes” format of Sin Comics, Stephens
hos decided to drop everything and start Atomic City Toles, new comic that
features, of all things, superheroes! For mo$t artists, a switch to superhero comics would
equal a rise in sales, but Stephens runs the risk of alienating the fans who have grown
accustomed to his wacky, irreverent humor and offbeat funny-animal characters.
Stephens started off in minicomics and graduated to Sin, a full-sized comic published
by the late Tragedy Strikes Press, Sin featured Stephens’s bizarre creations, including Nod,
Irwin. and Dave, who were simplified, abstracted versions of Felix the Cat, Mickey Mouse,
and Donald Duck. Just after picking up steam and gelling five issues Of Sin published,
tragedy struck and Tragedy Strikes disappeared from the face of the planel bringing
Stephens’s comic to an abrupt end. IA sixth issue was completed, but it hos never seen print.}
Luckily, some of the loose ends from the company were picked up when former Tragedy
Strikes editor Michel Vr6no started Black Eye Productions, the publisher behind most Of
Stephen’s current work, Black Eye put out issues of the new and improved Sin Comics
before Stephens replaced it with Atomic City Tales.
Stephens’s neve’ superhero work seems to be more of an evolution than an abrupt shift
of direction, The original version of Sin featured the Sinister Horde, who starred in c
superhero strip ran alongside Stephens’s quirky Land of Nod stories, as well as the
adventures of Badman, a crime fighter who was actually a thinly disguised Joy Stephens.
When the new Sin Comics series debuted* Stephens killed Off most Of his funnyonimol char-
acters to make room for superhero comics that prefigured the characters in Atomic City
Tales. EVen the wacky characters in Sin and Sin Comics, like Stephens himselfi were fans
of cheesy comic
In fact, Atomic City Tales has the same humor
and many of the unexpected twists that are trades
mark of Stephens’s work. In Atomic City Toles,
Stephens has created o comiC that doesn’t neatly fit
into one specific genre, isn’t really an “alternative”
comic because it’s about superheroes, It can’t be o
modern superhero comic because it isnit ogrim and
gritty,” It’s not like the musty and moldy retro-super-
hero comics because the characters and situations are
ypdoted and distorted with a ’90s bite.

The Comics Journal #212, page #92:

SULLIVAN: Let’s talk a little bit about Atomic
City Tales.
STEMNS: I know you don’t like it. [laughs]
SULLIVAN: I like it.
STE*ENS: I like to tease you al»ut that review,
SULLIVAN: It was a positive review.
STEMNS: I know. It was just a very qualified
review. good, but — [laughs] I We seen
SIRLIVAN: Nou I understand that you had all
these outlets for the funny characters that I love,
even though couldn see any Of them.
STEPHENS: If I could do everything at once, I
SIRLIVAN: Butyour letters pages in Atomic City
Tales •were hysterical. You wouldthink in a super-
hero—dominated industry, everybody would go
“wow, Jay’s doing funny superheroes. Yet you
seemed to get all the nutcases writing in saying,
This is 0K, but cvby don’t you do some more
Nod. You be very patient, gritted teeth, *Just
let it go for a little bit, you’ll see I’m doing good stuff
STEPHENS: I got almost nothing but negative mail.
Very few encouraging letters. What can I tell you? I
guess it was a failed project.
SULLIVAN: And yet it continued over two publishers.
STERENS: The Atomic City story is a sad one.
SULLIVAN: Tell it.
STERENS: les a long, drawn-out story. les almost a
tragedy from the beginning.
STE*ENS: I begged Michel to do it, then I had to insist
he pay me, which was a new thing at the time, and then
it didn’t really sell. Let it be known, though, that
publishing-wise, everything Ive done has been at the
worst possible time. I mean, Tragedy Strikes entered
publishing right at the beginning of the glut, and by
the time I was doing Atomic City Tales there were
thousands of new crappy superhero comics out there.
The competition on the rack was unbelievable. m not
making excuses, m just saying it had something to do
with it.
so it was a really hard go, and I think Michel
became embarrassed that he “‘as doing Atomic City
Tales. He was focusing on more and more so-called
highbrow material, and was very proud of it. Even
though my stuff was selling better than that stuff, I
think he was kind of nervous that he was doing this
book that was more rooted in pop. We were both
happy when I decided to shop it around elsewhere. So
we left on amicable terms, and I began negotiations
with Matt Groening’s Bongo Comics. Actually, Zongo
Comics was supposed to do it, because rd met Matt at
San Diego in ’94, and gave him copies. He very
interested in picking it up, and promptly passed it over
to the people at Zongo, who rm sure he believes are
very capable [laughs] individuals. Maybe theyre more
capable now, but it was a nerve-wracking experience.
They wanted more than they should have been asking
were a new company. It was a terrible
SULLIVAN: Were they frying toget control wer the tharac-
STERENS: Theywanted all control. They wanted to be
able to make movies and cartoons and not pay me
anything for it. Embarrassing, ridiculous control. And
what was worse was that the negotiations dragged on
for almost a year.

Comics Scene Volume 2 #43, page #60:

Thanks to Black Eye, Sin came back
in January 1994 with a new and im-
proved #1. Merv celebrated by peeing
all over Dave’s comics and then setting
them on fire. Things were back to
Or were they? (Cue spooky music.)
Because with the very next issue, Sin
folded again.
This time, blame Stephens. He had
decided to concentrate on the Big Bang
saga he launched in the new Sin #1.
Nod and his pals may show up later in
their own title, but for now it’s action
“There’s a growing trend in alterna-
tive comics toward longer stories,”
says Vrana. “It’s an important way for
younger cartoonists like Jay to stretch
themselves. And rather than having
two sides to his book—one crazy and
funny, one straighter—Jay’s going to do
it all in one storyline and be fun and
crazy with the Atomic City Tales char-
acters.” Vrana also says Stephens will
be broadening his audience—unlike
Sin, Atomic City Tales probably won’t
carry a “For Mature Readers” tag.
(Stephens calls his new comic “border-
line mature.
Expect a humor/horror/romance/ac-
tion book, incorporating comics influ-
ences from the Avengers to the
Archies. That’s right, the Archies.
Sneer if you must, but the Riverdale
High gang are now tres chic, having in-
fluenced comics such as Love and
Rockets, the standard-bearer for inde-
pendent comics.
“There’s a lot of Archie Comics in
Atomic City Tales,” Stephens says.
“When I was a kid, I thought the
Archies were neat, because they
seemed really real.” Stephens laughs,
scarcely able to believe what he’s
saying. “I thought, ‘This is how real
people are.’ ”
So if you can imagine a nuclear-
powered Jughead double-dating with
the Hulk and beating up an all-ghoul
grunge group, you’re halfway to
Atomic City. Be prepared to have some
fun when you get there—because if
there’s one thing Jay Stephens can’t
stand, it’s a sour superhero.
“One of the reasons I’m doing
Atomic City Tales is that it’s painful
for me to know that the corner store
closest to me has an issue of the Pun-
isher—no bright colors, bullets flying
everywhere and a high body count. It’s
so bleak and depressing, it makes me
glad I grew up in the ’70s.
“Superheroes aren’t serious. People
should stop trying to make them so
real. The whole charm of them is that
they’re not real. There don’t have to be
guns—it’s fantasy. You can make fun
things happen. ”

Darcy Sullivan writes in The Comics Journal #179, page #45:

Unfortunately, Stephens isn’ t doing Sin any-
more. Last year, he switched to a book called
Atomic City Tales, a superhero spoof that suffers
from similarities to too many projects, includ-
ing Michael Allred’ s current Madman Comics.
Longer narrati ves, full characterization and more
“realistic”-lookingcharacters don’t provide the
same manic charge that zaps you on every page
or so of Innd of Nod.
Even those devices that served Stephens
well before falter inACT. When the artist moped
around Sin in his Badman costume, it was
enjoyably ridiculous. In ACT, Stephens’ fre-
quent appearances are distracting — it’s not
clear what he’s doing there, and his character
seems annoyingly bland. Chief ACT villains
The Maniac Gang have some of The Sinister
Horde’ s amusingpettiness, but Stephens seems
less happy-go-lucky now. For sheer fun, noth-
ing so far in the new series has matched the
scene in Land of Nod when Dave, who re-
sembles a sort of deconstructed Donald Duck,
has a panic attack over the “serious” direction
of his favorite comic, The Sinister Horde. His
buddy Merv (a melted Mickey Mouse) takes
one look and flings the comic away, exclaiming
“Poo! Whata reek!” (Merv should write for the
The controversy rages in the ACT letters
pages about whether Stephens has taken the
wrong direction himself; he admits that older
readers tend to prefer Sin. Perhaps they (like
this reviewer) have already seen the vperhero
genre lampooned too many times. Stephens
himself seems baffled by some readers’ unwill-
ingness to have fun with superheroes, and is
sticking to his guns. Certainly, given his track
record, Atomic City Tales is worth watching;
once Stephens finds his feet with the book, it
may embrace the unexpected the way Madman
Comics decidedly has not. (When Nod had a
cameo inACT#3 , you could practically hear the
geezers cheering.)

Draw! #16, page #34:

Tragedy Strikes went out of business, and then the editor there
started his own company, Black Eye. I did Atomic City Tales and a
new Land ofNod series for him. But he was stretched too thin and
folded shop. And then Kitchen Sink picked up Atomic City, and
then they folded. The disasters just kept mounting. Really, either
my sales would drop so badly that I would be forced to quit a
book (I was getting food from the
local Food Bank while working for
Kitchen Sink—couldn’t even afford
one meal a day on my own), or,
more often than not, the publisher
went out of business. J was striking
out in comic books in every attempt
I made. But, ironically, I was get-
ting tons of outside illustration and
cartooning work based on those
same comics. So that’s why I say I
failed upwards.

This blog post is part of the Total Black Eye series.

TBE1993: Sputnik

Sputnik (1993) #1-2 edited by Michel Vrána

Vrána had edited the (very good) Reactor Girl anthology, and here he’s starting a new one. Reactor Girl was quite unassuming, but Vrána seems to want to class things up here. We have “Departments” and “Features”, but no “Manifesto”.

And it’s magazine sized, and is printed on aggressively white and shiny paper, so it seems tailored for, say, being sold in hipster record shops, perhaps.

Which makes it kind of odd that Vrána starts off the series with the first part of a nonsensical Jay Stephens super-hero parody thing.

More apt is Dylan Horrocks… but these single page introductions to the “departments” seem rather portentous.

It’s a solid story, though, about racism and stuff.

Carol Swain does a vignette about punks as zoo exhibits, and this is perhaps the most relevant story in the issue — if this is aimed at music stores, that is.

There’s even a 7″ included. I’ve been listening to it while reading this issue, and it’s pretty OK? The band is called Daddy Carbon, and there’s no explanation as to why it’s included in the magazine. Discogs says that it’s their only release. Perhaps they were friends of Vrána?

It’s a Toronto band…

Nick Craine does an illustrated interview with the guy who was going to adapt Yummy Fur to the movies. That never happened ,of course.

Craine does his best to make the interview thrilling, but… it doesn’t quite work.

C’mon. This sort of thing just feels like wasting space in a magazine that’s only 48 pages long. But I mean, reprinting some Adrian Tomine is probably a good idea, anyway.

So the first issue is mostly people already published by Black Eye.

The second issue is completely different. Daniel Richler and Dominic Burgatto do a long pieces about… I have no idea.

That’s followed by an even stranger piece by Ian Carney and Aidan Potts. If they were going after the record store market, the first issue seemed pretty well conceived. While I like the artwork here, using half the issue on things that impenetrable doesn’t really sound like a good choice for the long term survival of this anthology.

Brian Biggs provides a brief (and funny) respite.

And then it’s back to scratching your head with Vincent Aliberti and Sean Scoffield, which, again, has compelling artwork, but is pretty opaque.

Speaking of compelling artwork — has anybody ever done a real collection of Jeff Johnson’s comics?

I guess these are reprints, but they’re the best thing in the issue.

So: One pretty good issue, one pretty bad issue, and it’s over.

I guess they saw what the sales were on the second issue and decided that that’s enough.

Nick Wyche writes in Overstreet’s Comic Book Marketplace/Monthly #12, page #007:

Sputnik #1 (Black Eye Productions)
I Inentioned once before that I felt that you
get more bang for your buck with many
anthology comics, and Sputnik definite-
ly falls into this category. With work by
cartoonists like Jay Stephens, Adrian
Tomine, and Dylan Ilorrocks (whose
work I’ve rec()mmended previously),
this magazine format comics slick,
intelligent, and poised to make a big
impact on the business with it’s cross-
market potential! It even comes with a
vinyl 45 single!

Cross-market potential.

The Comics Journal #167, page #116:

From the ashes of Tragedy Strikes press comes a
new imprint, Black Eye Productions, with its flag-
ship anthology, the very classy Sputnik. Featuring
Sweet production values and a care for detail, it
looks great and reads even better. Editor Michel
Vrana has tapped several artists from the former
company for this smart, stylish, and engaging pre-
mer Issue.
A jam-packed 48 pages (plus an extended-play
45 rpm record that is, at best, unnecessary), the book
includes a visually engaging Randy the Skeleton
story by Ian Carney and Aidan Potts, an allegorical
episode from Wai Out Strips’ Carol Swain, and a
nutty “Atomic City Tales” segment
from Sin Comics’ Jay Stephens, the
only cartoonist who dares a con-
tinued Story (and who suffers
accordingly). Longer segments,
listed as “departments,” are even
better. “Feature Fiction” Offers Dylan
Horrocks• nine-page “Black Sun,” a tale
of xenophobic bigotry. It’s a rich, convincing intru-
Sion into some odd territory. ‘Mini-Comic Pro-
file” is devoted to the conspicuously worthy author
of Optic Nerve, Adrian Tomine. He contributes three
deft, fully realized vignettes (and a back cover),
each demonstrating a mastery of the mini format.
Nick Craine subverts the staid Q & A format in an
“illustrated interview” with Bruce McDonald, the
Canadian director currently at work on a screenplay
for Chester Brown’s Ed the Happy Clown. ne dis-
cussion is submerged in a quirky narrative that takes
place in a car (a location where Craine’s Cheese
Heads have had some memorable moments). It’s an
ingenious construction that emphasizes texture over
text, experience Over inforrnation.

This blog post is part of the Total Black Eye series.

Kitchen Music

Spoiler pic above — don’t look at it unless you want to see how this epic turns out.


Anyway, I’ve had an all-in-one computer sitting on a kitchen counter for over a decade. It hasn’t been the same one, because it’s broken down at least once, but basically the same size, because I thought I would be using it to watch TV while cooking, or possibly looking up recipes and stuff.

So it has a (wireless) keyboard, and is kinda bulky, with a big external power pad (cleverly hidden in the box next to it).

But as it turns out, I never use it for anything but playing mixtapes while I’m eating breakfast, really.

I was rooting through a box of various bits and bobs, and I found this 6″ HDMI screen I’d bought at least six years ago, but had never used for anything.

And I started wondering — perhaps I could just radically shrink the kitchen music player setup? I mean, the only inputs it needs is “pause”, “volume up” and “volume down”. I don’t need any keyboard, really, because it’s just playing mixtapes, one after another.

Of course, there’s plenty of small screens these days, even fun round ones, so I don’t really need to use this specific screen, but why not?

But what should the setup look like? I could use my impressive carpentry skills (ahem) and make a box… or I could buy something like this wooden box, cut a few holes for wiring and the screen and stuff, and stash a Raspberry Pi inside? Well, sounds like a fun project, I think?

And I even had a Raspberry Pi 3B+ in the same box! I had originally thought I’d use a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, but I need to connect at least three USB things to the Pi (touch screen, volume knob and Tellstick dongle), so I’d have to use a USB hub… Using a Pi 3 seems like it’s going to be less fiddly.

(Banana for scale.)

Installing Raspberry Pi Desktop is trivial, and then it starts an Emacs that controls the mixtape playing, which again runs mpg123.

And to my shock, mpg123 stutters when playing. Even if there’s nothing else going on! I disabled pipewire so that it’s just playing straight to ALSA, and playing straight from RAM disk. Still some stuttering. I replaced the crappy SD card with a less crappy one — yes, still stuttering.

Disk /dev/sdb: 29.81 GiB, 32010928128 bytes, 62521344 sectors
Device     Boot   Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1          8192  1056767  1048576  512M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdb2       1056768 62521343 61464576 29.3G 83 Linux

Disk /dev/sdc: 29.72 GiB, 31914983424 bytes, 62333952 sectors

Device     Boot   Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/sdc1          8192  1056767  1048576  512M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdc2       1056768 62521343 61464576 29.3G 83 Linux

By the way, how annoying is it that “32GB” cards have different sizes, eh? I was just going to cat the one card to the other, but the first card was vaguely bigger, so the file system ended up corrupted. So I had to shrink the file system on the first SD card before I could cat it over…

Anyway, but if I switch swap off, and renice the mpg123 to -20, it seems to work?

Still, it’s kinda shocking… I didn’t think that a Raspberry Pi 3 would be this underpowered…

Still, I seems to be glitch free now? If not, I’ll have to upgrade to a Raspberry Pi 4.

And the screen seems pretty good! It’s a touch screen, too, but I don’t think I’m actually going to use the touch for anything? Perhaps something’ll occur to me…

Hm… and perhaps I should run xscreensaver on it? It’s not OLED, so the screen probably doesn’t need saving, but perhaps it’ll be fun. (I don’t really enjoy xscreensaver demos on large screens, but perhaps on a small screen like this, it’ll be stylish.)

[time passes]

I haven’t gotten all the bits for the control unit, but I’ve got two boxes — the other one is just going to have a bunch of electric stuff inside.

Looks like basically the correct size.

So I just need to cut some holes in it for wires, and the wires are going to be at the back of the box.

The wires themselves don’t need a big hole, even if there’s going to be a few of them going in three different directions, but European Schuko plugs are big. So I either need to cut the plug off, thread the cable through the hole, and mount another plug (which I’ve done before, but is, er, not quite halal), or do a big hole…

So I got the brilliant idea — this box has a lid, so why not just face the box with the lid inwards and cut the holes in the lid! Then I just need space for the cables, and not the plug!

So I bought this nice little saw made for cutting out jigsaws and stuff…

And presto! Smaller holes!

I think this might work?

I wasn’t sure whether to paint the boxes white or black, so I went with red.

Now that’s red, dude. Might need two coats, though.

Oh, yeah, right — this box is replacing this eyesore, which I’ve had here for a decade.

And that’s because there was a lot of electronics stuff that I had to have in here — several adapters, an amplifier, and well, stuff. The speakers are now integrated, so no amplifier needed, and I can get rid of a few of the adapters (mainly the big one to the all-in-one computer).

Yeah, scorch marks. That’s what we want to see!

(I think it’s from one of the adapters.)

So I’m replacing all of that with this power unit, and cramming it all into that smaller red box I’m making.

So red.

But it’s not quite… even? I thought paint went on more even than this. This is the fourth coat, I think.

OK, just red is too boring, so let’s add some black lines.

[time passes]

OK… Things are basically working now, and there’s no stuttering, but the Pi 3 dies once a week. That’s not acceptable.

Hm… what to do, what to do…

[time passes]

After dealing with Raspberry Pi 3 instabilities for a few months, I just gave up and used a Pi 4 I had here. And I’ve been testing whether it’s stable for a few weeks (nothing to do with procrastination; no ma’am), my kitchen has looked like this.

But it’s stable — except that wifi drops to unusable (30% packet loss) if I angle the Pi 4… just… so…

Anyway, I’m tired of having the mess here, so I’m finally going to start cutting the box. Should I have the volume knob here?

Or charmingly unsymmetrically here? (Only the know will be visible from this side…)

Because the knob pops off and I can just poke this pin through.

But how should I cut the bot?

It would be easier to just cut through the central connection area, but it would perhaps be prettier if it’s super duper flush; i.e., cutting out the box for the entire metal area… Hm…

Nah, too much risk of over-cutting, and that’d be a catastrophe after all these coats of paint. I don’t wanna paint no mo!

I’ve got my cutting implements here, but I’m not sure which one to use… using the electric jigsaw seems so … brutal .. for such weak and brittle wood.

OK, measure once, cut twice…

Once, twice…

These are the wooden drills, right?

Drill baby drill. So pretty.

OK, I’m gonna try to use the jigsaw… gently…

Oh my god! That thing cut through the wood like butter! I thought it was going to chew it up and make splinters and whatnot, but it’s perfectly smooth and nice.


OK… Even with just the central part cut out, it looks quite OK? That is, if you’re looking at it straight ahead, you can’t see a difference, and even if you’re examining it, it’s fine.

OK, drilled a hole for the knob, too. And I had to re-jigsaw some bits to make the screen straight. Pretend you didn’t see that.

But but but… How the earth am I going to fasten these things? I thought that would, like, be obvious, but now that I’m staring at it, it’s not.

I thought I might use this thing to wrap around the button somehow, but the wood is so thin that I can’t really screw anything into it.

OK, I can use double sided Gorilla tape for the screen — that’s not going to face any pressure, but the button? Hm…

OK, I just Gorillaed it all, because I’m fed up with it.

Let’s see whether it works for the button, but I’m doubtful.

OK, assembling it all…

Some leftover bits…

It works!!!

Hm, I could even use it without the knob… just with an industrial pin poking through… Nah.

The knob needs to be filled with something half way up so that it doesn’t slide too far in when I jab it, though.

OK, I need a shorter extension cord, because that’s gonna be tough to fit into the box. But whatevs, *jam* *jam*.

Nooooes! The Toslink/3.5mm adapter broke!

This thing! Because I need to use an optical connection to the KEF speakers, because the AUX is just ridiculously noisy:

Completely unusable.

Hm… do I have any spare Toslink/3.5mm adapters? Can’t find any… Oh, well, I have to do some shopping tomorrow. Ain’t gonna finish this project tonight grrr

[time passes]

OK, I got this today…

And it fits! Although I plugged it into the mic port, so it took half an hour of debugging to find out why there’s no music.

Oh, right, the new, shorter outlet thing doesn’t have a USB port. Well, I’ll just use an old Iphone charger?

Nope; that sent the Pi 4 into an endless boot loop. How about this Ultimate Ears charger, then?


So now I just have to jam this all into the box… Will it fit?


Well, that’s OK.

Oh, yeah, I was gonna Sugru the knob. But Sugru is no longer for sale in any stores here — all the stores have their own knock-off products that kinda sorta do the job (but according to all reviews, kinda suck — the end result is very hard instead of being silicone soft like Sugru).

Feels like Sugru, though.

There. I’ve jammed it two thirds full.

And… it seems to be about the right amount? I can jab the button now without it sliding further in. Well, I guess I’ll know after it’s dried whether I have to do anything further.

Oh, I forgot that I left the plastic clingy thing on the screen for protection while working on this…

Well, that’s a lot more room on the bench than there used to be! Now I can, like, bake more cakes. Or something.

I should have painted both boxes the same way — and I should have gone with an X on both, or perhaps none, because those stripes don’t look very intentional (although I was thinking of Plastic Man when I did them).

Well, they’re gonna stay that way now! Hah! This took three months and was totally worth it.

TBE1993: Sin Comics

Sin Comics (1993) #1-2 by Jay Stephens

The Sin series ran for five issues over at Tragedy Strikes Press, and now we have Sin Comics. It’s not really explained why the book was renamed/renumbered — Pickle continued with a #2 at Black Eye, after all.

But perhaps it’s just a reflection of Stephens’ restlessness — looking over the remaining Black Eye books, I think we have like four or five more Stephens projects to cover?

Anyway, Stephens pumps the page count up to 40 for this series, and his art style has changed quite a bit since Sin (less scratchy and more assured), so perhaps it was just a time for a change.

Another thing I’m wondering about: The indicia mentions a lot of different characters belonging to different artists, but… did I miss something? Did any of them actually appear in the book? I’ve flipped through it twice now (after reading it) and I can’t see any of them. Are they hidden in the backgrounds somewhere? Or just some in-joke? Or did Stephens change his mind?

The first Sin series was brimming with ideas and jokes, and this is in the same mould.

But… It doesn’t really seem to have the same energy?

Instead it seems to be running on fumes — there’s a lot of gags, but it feels distracted; as if Stephens is doing this on automatic.

But it’s fun to see the art developments.

Nothing really goes anywhere much, but it’s pretty amusing anyway.

Oh, I didn’t really mention the main part of this book: About half is taken up by the characters that would come to form Stephens’ next series: Atomic City Tales. It’s about a guy who gets the power to control reality, and he decides to become a super-hero.

Stephens sort of explains why he’s ending Sin Comics after just two issues.

Stephens further explains that he’s just too busy to do the book. But I’m wondering whether he was just bored by the “Sin” approach to doing comics. Sin was a typical “young person comic” — zany, chaotic ideas, and it’s just hard to maintain that vibe as you get older. (Even if he’s just 23 here.)

Combo #1, page #162:


Black Eye Productions is
a different type of comic
than what we usually review
here in “Independent Review.”
Why? Because the book’s
main characters are funny ani-
mals not superheroes. And no,
they’re not funny animals in
the 1940s Peter Porkchop
sense. They’re funny animals
for the nineties.
This book is also different in
its free-flowing format. It’s like
watching a late, late, late TV
show. One of those you turn on
at three o’clock in the morning
and are compelled
to watch because it
is so bizarre. It even
comes with commer-
Cial breaks and car-


Jay Stephens writes and
draws the entire comic.
Stephens’ story is simple but
truly compelling. His art style is
reminiscent of Mike Allred’s
Madman. In tribute to Madman,
as well as a host of other char-
acters, Stephens has included
them on the cover of this first
issue that looks like The
Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely
Hearts Club Band album.
From beginning to end Sin
Comics #1 is a winner. It is
definitely a bit on the strange
side, but that is what makes
the comic medium special.
There is something for every-

Oh! The characters I was wondering about are on the cover. D’oh! I should edit that out so that I don’t look like a total moron… I mean, more than usual…

Nah, that would be against the blogging verité™ ethos of this blog.

This blog post is part of the Total Black Eye series.

Random Comics

Hey, I read some comics this past week. Let’s have a peek…

These are the last three collections of war comics Hugo Pratt did for the Britishers in the early 60s.

The reproduction is variable, and some of the stories are pretty bad, but on the whole, reading these has been a very positive surprise.

I mean, it’s not surprising that the artwork is great, but the stories are pretty unusual as war stories go. These are 64 pages long, so they’re all graphic novels, of course.

The above has an unusual O. Henry twist at the end, too, but most of the stories are very straightforward.

The only total miss here is something called Battler Britton, which was a continuing character, and the adventure he’s sent on here is totally lame. And you can see that Pratt is phoning it in, too.

This tank story didn’t do much for me, either — page after page of tanks shooting and being shot up. Pratt got to draw a lot of military equipment, that’s for sure. And I mean, he does that well, too.

I’ve read five, count em five, issues of Spirou, because I got behind while I was on vacation and then had covid.

The standout series is the above by Les Fabrices — Fabcaro and Fabrice Erre. It’s just hilarious? One gag after another.

The worst is the drek above.

There’s great variety, really, but except things like Jerome K Jerome Bloche there’s too much that’s kinda samey.

Hey, continuing with the anthologies, we have the latest issue of the Swedish anthology Galago. And it’s great!

It’s the best issue of Galago I’ve read — almost all the strips are bangers.

And it’s not just Swedish artists this time around — here’s a Norwegian…

… and here’s a Canadian.

I really enjoy the thicker format Galago switched to a couple issues back — perhaps it allows them to be more audacious because they have more pages to play with? This issue is a really compelling read, anyway.

And, yes, another anthology, and this time Finnish.

It’s good.

Brief, though.

I picked this up used in Paris this summer. Look how cheap! Five euros! I can totally finance another trip to Paris just by going to used comics stores!

(Isn’t that how money works? How dare you.)

I didn’t really have high hopes for this one… Le Tendre has done a lot of stuff over the years, and they’re not all er good.

But this one is! It’s not a complicated story, but it’s really well done.

Yes, I read a bunch of super-hero (and adjacent) comics, too. Haven’t done that in a few months, so it was a nice little stack.

Ryan North has gotten a lot of praise for his stint on Fantastic Four (I’m not sure the artist has), and sure, having whatsisface falling in love with an alien that looks like that is fun.

But… super-hero wise, I’m just kinda frustrated by North’s constant ramping up of everything. Sure, now Sue can cover the entirety of the planet with her force shield, and Reed can stretch to cover blocks, and whatsisface can create dopplegangers made out of fire, and Ben can… OK, Ben hasn’t ramped up.

I mean, it’s fun, but where do you go from here?

Black Cloak is good.

Fantagraphics is now working backwards from 1950 back to Barks’ earliest Duck work, and we’re now back to 1945. Which means that we just have two more volumes to go. *sniffle*

This is a collection of mostly ten and eight page stories, and they’re so dense. So many gags and so many ideas. It’s a bit exhausting to read this collection, but it’s so good.

And it has the only Barks’ only story that follows directly from the preceding story — the nephews get a reward for capturing a crook, and the next story they have the money! It cannot be!

Anyway, that was my week in comics.