Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

(July 21, 2023)


(December 27, 2019)

Blinded by the neighbour’s house.

Chirp Chirp

(May 1, 2015)

The bird from last year (which might be a fieldfare) moved from outside my bedroom window to outside the living room window. So it’s now chirping its little head off on the other side of the apartment.  Which means more sleep for me.  Yay! But, man, it’s loud…


(February 13, 2015)


(February 5, 2015)

We were walking along the beach and saw lots of these strange shapes… Examining them closer shows that there’s some kind of wee critter making them: A crustacean?  Itsy worm?  Shellfish? Anybody know what these are?


(January 6, 2014)

As I’m sure you all remember, in the last terrifying chapter of this story, I found that the white fluff had spread to another room. During the Xmas holidays, I visited my mother.  She’s brilliant with all kinds of plants and stuff, so I showed her the pictures of the aloe armageddon.  She said: “Are … Continue reading IT”S ALIVE!!1!ONE?!


(July 1, 2013)

Every night at 2AM this bird starts chirping outside my window: After a while, it realises that just because it’s getting lighter, it’s not actually morning yet, so it goes back to sleep, and doesn’t get up until 7. But what kind of bird is it?  It makes a lot of varied sounds, and I … Continue reading Chirp


(June 26, 2013)

See how cleverly this butterfly, er, moth, er, something has evolved to camouflage itself in the cracks on my floors. It’s just amazing.

Lars Animal Rescue

(November 11, 2011)

Bird When I came home today, I found a magpie (Pica Pica) sitting on top of my outlet box.  That’s on the fourth floor, so it had flown up the stairs.  Confused bird. Anyway, I thought could just open the window and let it fly out, but it flew on up to the top floor … Continue reading Lars Animal Rescue