My New Horticultural Blog

I’ve never had one of these plants grow this tall. It’s an agave, I guess? Or possibly an aloe? I dunno. I’ve tried propping it up against the window, but today, it fell over. Twice! But without shattering into twenty pieces, so it’s more hardy than I thought — succulents like these have a tendency to shatter when falling over.

So here goes: I’m replanting in a bigger pot so that I can put proper supports in. (The root system doesn’t seem to be extensive… I had a peek. So no reason to replant because of crowded roots.)

At the Daycare For Men Store (i.e., the hardware gigastore), I was looking for something likely to use, but I couldn’t find anything… until I saw these flags! Perfect length! Got three of them.

And look! It survived replanting! Without breaking! (It was nerve-wracking — I should have had seven hands.) And it looks like the longer sticks are gonna support it better?

Now I just have to dispose of these flags… is there a proper desecration routine? I mean, deconsecration.

Eh, whatevs. In the trash you go.

Who says that nationalism isn’t good? My plant thanks you.

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