Ick pt II

In the previous part of this series, we learned that a couple of plants had been invaded by white dust, which is probably a fungus.  Of some kind.

I threw out the main offender, cleaned the area, sprayed anti-fungal stuff on the other plants nearby, and scrubbed down like in one of those horror movies.

I continued treating the affected plants religiously, day by day, wiping fungus and spraying Atamon. Or, to be more precise, and perhaps slightly more truthful, I kinda forgot (or suppressed; my False Memory Regression Therapist might help me with that one) the entire issue, and weeks (months?) kinda passed by.

So the other day I had a look at the remaining plants in that window:

Eek!  Infested!  And the plant looks like it’s collapsing:

It used to be all healthy and stuff.

I’ve now thrown that one out, too, and scrubbed down again.

No more new plants until this is under control!  I mean, except for these I just bought:

That’s a … er … let’s see.  I’m gonna guess aloe, crassula and the last one is, of course, some kind of sansevieria.


My New Concert Blog vs Useful Consumer Review

So I wanted to test the camera again.  I mean, filming.  I decreased the HD-ness to perhaps save some battery life.

There’s apparently no way to shut the screen off while filming.  That’s annoying, because a bright screen sitting on a table at the front is kinda annoying.

The camera shut itself off every 20 minutes or so.  Saying that it’s “out of battery”.  The last time it was apparently true.

So I don’t know what the Canon engineers were on, but they obviously haven’t tried using this camera in “movie” mode.  For more than a couple of minutes.

(Oh, the concert was with Marc Ribot (Ree-bow), Henry Grimes and Chad Taylor.)

Useful Consomer Review vs My New Concert Blog

I got a Canon S120 the other day, because I thought it’d be nice to have a camera small enough to actually schlep around again.

So I went to the Deciders concert:

After sixteen minutes the “I’m dying!!!” battery symbol started flashing in red, so I switched the camera off.  I switched it on during the interval, and then the battery meter said that it was 100% fully loaded.  So I started filming again:

After 22 more minutes, it switched itself off.

So, as a camera for casual filming, my rating for this camera is seven thumbs down.

Canon S120.  Boo!

Importing Type1 Fonts Into LaTeX

Using “foreign” Type1 fonts in X is pretty easy — you just drop them somewhere and tell X about it.  Importing fonts for use in LaTeX/xdvi/dvips isn’t that difficult, either, but requires that you know just what files to alter.
I’ve been using this script for years.  It takes Type1 font files, runs them through the right conversion programs, and updates psfonts.map.  If you’re using teTeX.  Other distributions have different disk layouts.

The only problem with this approach is that every single time I upgrade Debian, it overwrites some of the files, so suddenly my displays look like on the right: Typeset with Futura metrics, but using a different font for display, so it looks all arty and stuff.

There’s surely a better way to do this, but, meh.  The lesson to be learned here is: Never upgrade!