WoRdPrEsS ReWrItEs My PoStS

So the other day, for the first time ever, I actually read one of my blog posts (excerpt seen above). (This also explains all the typoes.) But I saw that “WordPress” up there and I knew that I’d never write something that cringe-worthy. And indeed:

See? In that test, there’s only one capitalised character in the word, and I’m not sure that I’m able to actually write that word here, so let me paste it in like an image: . See? Only the first character in the word is capitalised and not several, like some illiterate pendant would do.

So there’s some code in somewhere that rewrites that into . I.e, if I write (let’s see whether this goes through) “W o r d p r e s s”, there’s some code in WordPress to reformat that into “W o r d P r e s s” which apparently can’t be disabled (or at least it seems that way after going through a few menu items in the admin interface).

I object to this censorship! SO MUCH. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE

I quote Cory Doctorow’s revolutionary essay:

This year, I resolve to minimize my use of incaps when writing about commercial products and companies. An incap changes a word into a logo, and has no place in journalism or commentary — it’s branding activity that colonizes everyday communications. It’s free advertising.

So: “Iphone,” not “iPhone” and “Paypal,” not “PayPal.”

I don’t know whether the Automattic Censorship Committee will allow any of those brands to be displayed how they should be, i.e., without InCaps, but I guess we’ll see.

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