Book Club 2025: Finding My Elegy by Ursula K. Le Guin

The first half of this book has poems from most of her previous collections…

… and I skipped that half, because I’ve already read them. Yes, OK, sure, perhaps I’m a teensy bit fanboyish about Le Guin?

Anyway, the last half of the book is poetry written in the years before 2010, and I’ve been reading them over the last week. It’s pretty good? Many of them are about dying… but some are about cats! So it’s not all depressing.

But mostly depressing, and very apt for 2025, really.

After reading the book, I wondered whether there were any books of hers that I had missed, and there’s indeed a couple more poetry collections, which I’ve now ordered. And also a collected edition of all the Earthsea novels and short stories (illustrated by Charles Vess)! So I snapped that up, too, because it’s been a while since I’ve read those books.

Finding My Elegy (2012) by Ursula K. Le Guin (buy new, buy used, 4.03 on Goodreads)

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