“Despite this solve…”
Oh my gerd! This is awful! On a sentence by sentence basis, this is gruelling. “The kettle screamed its achievement of boiling water and Adrian jerked it off the element, wincing.” This is torture.
I got to page 30 before giving up, because the concept here sounds like it could be fun. So I checked Goodreads:
There are bad books. There are books that just aren’t for me. But this is the biggest train wreck of a book in recent memory.
Almost immediately, what we might have imagined as the main story thread on board is mostly thrust aside in favour of long, dull flashbacks filling us in on the characters on the shuttle back on Earth and their relationships to Mal. None of these characters are very interesting and it all feels like a massive distraction. Except that, as it turns out, the murder itself gets pretty much forgotten.
So… I’m ditching this. I mean, I like reading trash, but the trash has to be somewhat well written, at least.
Station Eternity (2021) by Mur Lafferty (buy new, buy used, 3.7 on Goodreads)