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WFC Liechtenstein: Der heiße Tod

While researching films from Liechtenstein, I was intrigued by the extreme number of porn-sounding late sixties/early seventies films marked as being “from” Liechtenstein. I have no idea what’s that’s all about: Did Liechtenstein have looser porn laws back then?

So I picked this one because it had a pretty high rating (4.8, ahem) among this group of films.

It’s less porny that I thought it would be, but apparently a hard-core version was also released (that had unrelated sex scenes edited into the narrative).

The actors are pretty bad. Most of them leave no scenery unchewed. It has a certain charm, but it’s… not very good.

99 Women. Jesús Franco. 1969. Liechtenstein.

Strawberry G&T

Pour gin, strawberry into an ice-filled glass. Add pepper. Stir. Top off with tonic water and stir lightly. Garnish with strawberry.

Strawberry Puree

Halve the strawberries. In a medium saucepan, combine the halved strawberries with the sugar and water and bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Let cool, then add the fresh lemon juice. Transfer to a blender and puree until smooth. Pour the puree through a fine strainer into an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days.

This post is part of the World of Films and Cocktails series. Explore the map.

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