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WFC Slovakia: Obrazy starého sveta

Utterly entrancing.

I’m not sure how much of it is real, though. It seems to present itself as a documentary of sorts, and some of the people (or characters) we see seem rather, uhm, unlikely.

If it’s all real, the film-makers are kinda cruel with their subjects.

I couldn’t believe it when I saw the end titles. This was made in 1972! The director was so ahead if his time.

Pictures of the Old World. Dusan Hanák. 1972. Slovakia.


Crisp up the bacon in a pan. Add the honey and let it bubble a bit. Take off the heat and add calvados. Heat up again, but don’t let it boil. Serve hot in a glass.

I thought this was going to be horrible, but it’s about the best hot alcohol drink I’ve tasted. It’s not very nice after it’s cooled off, though.

This post is part of the World of Films and Cocktails series. Explore the map.

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