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Tweaked version of the simple auto poster for Bluesky

There’s are many plugins for WordPress to auto-post to Bluesky. I use the nice and simple one called (simply) simple-auto-poster-for-bluesky. It’s simple!

But it has two problems: If you’re editing an older post that the plugin hasn’t seen before, it’ll post that to Bluesky, which is something you’d normally not want to happen. And the plugin includes the featured image in the Bluesky post, but Bluesky has image size limits, so this would often fail.

I’ve fixed both problems and put my fork on Microsoft Github. I haven’t submitted the patch upstream, because my WordPress skills suck, and the code probably shouldn’t be used in its current state. But I can’t be bothered to fix it up.

Oh, and it formats the posts differently than in the original version. The original version includes a “site preview”-ish card in the post, which I don’t think is all that attractive. My version just includes the featured image.

So there you go. Enjoy. Ou pas.

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