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PX86: Lynda Barry ‘n’ Matt Groening’s Funky World Fun Calendar 1987

Lynda Barry ‘n’ Matt Groening’s Funky World Fun Calendar 1987 by Lynda Barry and Matt Groening (305x306mm)

This is organised in a every-other-spread kind of fashion — on half the spreads, Groening does the cartoon at the top and Barry does the calendar at the bottom…

… and the other half, vice versa.

Most of the strips are reprints from Life in Hell or Ernie Pook’s Comeek, but both artists contribute two new full page images, like the above. If I counted correctly.

I think this is new, for instance?

Anyway, a lot of work has gone into this calendar.

There’s so much stuff — it’s perfect for a calendar. You can read these little bits while waiting for the tea water to boil or something. I think they had fun making this thing.

So dense! And quite amusing.

I got this off of ebay, but unfortunately the previous owner has just scribbled a couple things… “Marge”? Marge!?

And a trip to Fire Island in September. Possibly with their mother(s).

And in just five years, I can hang this calendar on my fridge. I’ll do it, too!

Wow. Those faces do not look like either Barry or Groening, do they? How odd.

Finally, a collage on the back.

This calendar was just what I expected: Something that looks like it was fun to make, and is fun to look at.

This blog post is part of the Punk Comix series.

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