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PX17: 2016-17

2016-17 by Mark Beyer (144x210mm)

Huh. Why do I have two copies of this? Oops.

This is published by Le Dernier Cri, and I’m assuming this is … sketchbook stuff from Beyer? The covers are screen-printed and the interiors are offset, I think.

This artwork is a lot rougher than Beyer’s usually meticulous style, at least.

Notice a theme? Yeah, there’s a lot of people dying here.

They still have copies for sale! Run and buy. It’s a nice little book.


Which brings us to the latest Beyer item to make its way into my hands, the Le Dernier Cri-published Mark Beyer : Sketchbook 2016-17, which eschews pretty much anything by way of titles or branding and just plunges you right in at the deep end, offering page after stupefying page of works the artist drew ostensibly for his own edification, but which were probably destined to be let loose into the wild at some point or other, that point being, as it turns out, not terribly long after it was created. Hey, when your stuff’s in demand, it’s in demand — and Beyer’s stuff will always be in demand.

This blog post is part of the Punk Comix series.

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