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MCMXXXIX XLII: Mr. Smith Goes To Washington

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Frank Capra. 1939.

This wasn’t the movie I was going to watch representing week 42 1939 (mid-October, that is). But the DVD I’d gotten of At The Circus refused to play, so I had to choose something else:

And Mr. Smith was available from der torrentses, so here we are.

*gasp* Pure communism! I like it!

I’m not a Capra fan. That is, I like his movies just fine, but I’ve never… er… actively sought them out? Instead they just seem to happen to me?

I vaguely remember watching this movie when I was… I’m gonna guess at… like… twelve? And I was really into it. It’s got that elegiac thing going that’s quite appealing.

Heh heh:

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was attacked by the Washington press, and politicians in the U.S. Congress, as anti-American and pro-Communist for its portrayal of corruption in the American government.


It is known that Alben W. Barkley, a Democrat and the Senate Majority Leader, called the film “silly and stupid”, and said it “makes the Senate look like a bunch of crooks”.

No, it makes the Senate look like a bunch of mean girls.

Oh, I remember this sequence! Boy Scouts (yeah yeah) have printed up a newspaper and are being shut down by the mobster (yeah yeah). It’s a great sequence, but the rest of the movie doesn’t quite live up to that bit.

This blog post is part of the 1939

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