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I hate choosing movies to watch; it’s just … better … to watch the
next scheduled one, so a schedule has to be created.

A few years back, I watched one movie per year from 1918 to 2018 (i.e, a century), and then last year I did a decade (the 1940s); one movie per month.

So what’s next!?!?

It’s one movie per week from some year or other, of course.

I was thinking of doing a year from the 80s, but looking at the candidate years, nothing really seemed that attractive when I have to choose 52 movies I haven’t seen before. So I googled “what’s the best year ever in movie history”, and several web pages said “1939”.

So I’m doing 1939.

I’m using the IMDB data, segmented by US release date:

This data isn’t available any more from IMDB, but I downloaded it before they closed off the release date er data.

So I’m basically watching the most popular movie (as voted by IMDB some time later) per week, so we’ll start with King of the Underworld.

And! I’m also continuing cooking from the Bistro Cooking book by Patricia Wells; one dish per movie should be just about right?

Yes, this is all just a pretext for forcing myself to clean up the kitchen more often: If I’m taking snaps of the kitchen I’ll have to get the rag out more often.

You’re welcome.

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