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New Menu Fad Detected

Here in Utah, I have detected a new menu fad. I think. At least I can’t recall seeing this before anywhere:

So basically, they’re warning us that undercooked meat is dangerous. (And please no personal checks).

Ok… But I’m at a restaurant. I don’t want them to undercook my meat.

But there’s an asterisk. And what items are asterisked (that should be a word):

Err… meats… and mussels… and cheese… but cheese with meat…  And there’s bacon in the mussels!

They’re asterisking all meat dishes!  Which is (in Utah) basically all dishes.  Even the cheese and the mussels.

But not the potato chips.  Seems like a missed opportunity.

Anyway.  Is this just in Utah?  New law?  Did somebody get sick?

The wording on most menus is similar, but unclear.  “Undercooking your meat is baaad”.  But it doesn’t actually say “these are dishes that may contain undercooked meat, so if you die after eating them, it’s all your own fault”, which is probably what they mean.

America is so complicated.


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