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A New Eval Server For Emacs

Emacs has a mechanism for client/server communication (and remote eval) that’s simultaneously too insecure and too secure at the same time.

Here’s the extremely convenient way to start a server:

(setq server-use-tcp t
      server-host (system-name)
      server-name (concat "foo-" (system-name)))

This will create a file (if called on a machine named “stories”)
called ~/.emacs.d/server/foo-stories with the following content: 4021

If you then say (on the command line)

$ emacsclient --server-file=foo-stories --eval "(tellstick-switch 0)"

the emacsclient binary will read that file, find the IP address and port number there, connect to that address, output the second line (which is a security cookie), and then the form to be evalled. The server will check that the cookie is what it’s expecting, and then eval whatever it’s asked to eval, and will return the result.

Now, for this to work, the host that you’re running the emacsclient on has to have access to that file, which means that (in practice) the entire thing is based on a shared NFS or sshfs setup, which makes it impossible (or at least extremely awkward) to use in many situations. So it’s too secure.

On the other hand, if you do have that cookie, you can make the server eval anything. And the communication is in clear text, so you can man-in-the-middle as much as you’d like. So it’s really very insecure and can’t be used any other place other than a totally locked-down, trusted network.

So Emacs should have a different way to do an eval server. Specs:

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